Copy Sql Server 2008 Databse schema only to Another Sql server 2008 Database on same machine -
i have sql server 2008 database
is there way create new database , copy schema of existing database objects newly created database using sql query or stored procedure
first you'll need make full backup of database want copy:
backup database database1 disk = 'x:\fullpath\advworksdata.bak' format;
where x:\fullpath
full path location can backup on disk.
next you'll need create new database (if haven't already):
create database database2;
and you'll need restore on top of database:
restore filelistonly database1; restore database database2 database1 move 'database1_data' 'x:\fullpath\database2.mdf', move 'database1_log' 'x:\fullpath\database2.ldf'; go
where x:\fullpath
full path you're second databases files exist.
some caveats
move 'database1_data'
default logical file names. can differ. can find logical names under properties of database.'x:\fullpath\database2.mdf'
may not both exist in same location and can differ default locations. can find locations under properties of database.
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