Can I duplicate this classic ASP pattern in ASP.NET MVC? -

virtuall every asp app i've written (hundreds) follows exact same pattern. "single page app" header , footer, , dynamically updated content area changes depending upon going on/in url. following (very simplified, demonstrates principle):

[% select case lcase(request("action") %] [% case "home" %]     [div class='class_home'...]         home screen html/script/asp     [/div] [% case "enroll" %]     [div class='class_enroll'...]         enroll screen html/script/asp     [/div] [% case "checkout" %]     [div class='class_checkout'...]         [!-- if it's gonna lengthy, instead: --]         [!--              #include          --]     [/div] [% end select %] 

this pattern may nested several layers deep additional request("subaction") subarea/subforms involved. every form submits ([form action="" method=post]), , asp script @ top catches form , processes it, continues.

so, question is, pattern still done inside mvc? or have duplicate common areas on , on again in each separate page create?

is idea want this? or there better way accomplish same goal of "single page app"?


edit: here's example. it's been out of date few years now, demonstrates design pattern i'm talking about. can complex in mvc?

if want login, use auction code "wallace", , "guest" both name , password. can see facing in switching mvc. these not simple, webapps. gets quite complex @ times. need know if able in mvc asp.

this still same in mvc. if using razor, _layout.cshtml file in /views/shared. if using old engine, in same location called masterpage.

aditionally, there file called _viewstart.cshtml. invoked automatically framework, , points _layout.cshtml file.


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