interface builder - How to disable Xcode 5 automatically upgrade xibs to iOS7 appearance -

if open xcode 4.x project @ xcode 5 , open xib @ interface builder, alert:

xcode ask upgrade pre ios7 xibs ios7 only

note: have issues forced ios7 appearance, auto layout still turned off me.

and accidentally clicked "alway upgrade" xcode automatically upgrades xibs xcode 5 , ios7 prior. use xcode 4.x parallel , it's annoying switching xibs when accidentally open them in xcode 5.

before opened in xcode 5 interface builder:

interface builder document opens in xcode 4.6 , view 6.1 , earlier

after opened in xcode 5 interface builder:

interface builder document opens in xcode 5.0 , view 7.0 , later

i searched in xcode , on google way turn "feature" off, still have no luck it.

in file inspector xib (cmd-opt-1), can change "opens in" popup "xcode 4.6". revert document format 1 compatible xcode 4.6, means not able take advantage of of new capabilities in xcode regards xibs.

if want "reset" "always upgrade" choice made, can resetting particular user default using terminal:

defaults write ibalwaysupgradeautolayoutdocuments -bool false 


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