delphi - How to configure package dependencies by an external file? -

i affect installation of components in package through configuration file.
try write .dpk of package follows:

package package1;  {$i ..\}  {$align 8} {$assertions on} {$booleval off} {$debuginfo on} {$extendedsyntax on} {$importeddata on} {$iochecks on} {$localsymbols on} {$longstrings on} {$openstrings on} {$optimization on} {$overflowchecks off} {$rangechecks on} {$referenceinfo on} {$safedivide off} {$stackframes off} {$typedaddress off} {$varstringchecks on} {$writeableconst off} {$minenumsize 1} {$imagebase $400000} {$description 'personal component'} {$implicitbuild off}  requires   vcl,   {$ifdef third_party_support}   thirdvcl, {$endif}   rtl;  contains   component1 in 'component1.pas', {$ifdef third_party_support}   component2 in 'component2.pas', {$endif}   component3 in 'component3.pas';  end. 

the file contains: {$define third_party_support}

now, when open package component2 not loaded, if write define directly package, component2 loaded.
possible put {$define} in external file? use delphi 2010.

thank in advance.


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