c# - Dispatcher.beginInvoke not executing immediately -

below code far, having issue when call dispatcher.begininvoke, not process these messages @ correct time

class script:

    public void execute()     {         var process = new process();         var startinfo = new processstartinfo("cmd.exe", @"/c c:\test\my.bat");          startinfo.workingdirectory = "c:\\test";         startinfo.redirectstandardoutput = true;         startinfo.redirectstandarderror = true;          startinfo.useshellexecute = false;         startinfo.createnowindow = true;         process.enableraisingevents = true;                 process.startinfo = startinfo;         process.outputdatareceived += (sender, args) => outputdatareceived(args.data);         process.errordatareceived += (sender, args) => errordatareceived(args.data);         process.exited += exited;         process.start();          process.beginoutputreadline();         process.beginerrorreadline();         process.waitforexit();          int exitcode = process.exitcode;          }       public void outputdatareceived(string data)     {         logging.logger.log("data received in script - " + data);         // throw event if have subscriber, else return         if (onscriptoutput == null) return;          allformattedoutput += environment.newline;         allformattedoutput += data;         allrawoutput += data;          scriptoutputeventargs args = new scriptoutputeventargs(data);         onscriptoutput(this, args);     } 

wpf window calls script class , subscribes onscriptoutput event

the problem below, updateoutputtextbox gets called after script finished, updateoutputtextbox messages processed @ once, not processed when begininvoke called causing screen updated @ end instead of when new output data received.. appreciated!

    private void btnrunscript_click(object sender, routedeventargs e)     {         script script = new script();         script.onscriptoutput += script_onscriptoutput;           script.execute();      }      private void script_onscriptoutput(object sender, scriptoutputeventargs args)     {       application.current.dispatcher.begininvoke(new action(() => updateoutputtextbox(args.data)),system.windows.threading.dispatcherpriority.send);          logging.logger.log("data received in event ");     }      private void updateoutputtextbox(string data)     {         logging.logger.log("data received in update "+data);         tboutput.text += environment.newline;         tboutput.text += data;     } 

you calling execute on ui thread , blocking thread waitforexit. of begininvoke actions getting queued up. remove call waitforexit. if need exit code, value in exited event handler.


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