android - Facebook connectivity using Jabber ID -
in app, instead of using saslauthentication such x-facebook-platform, i'm using facebook jabber id method login.
from this reference, got following piece of code
public void connecttofb() throws xmppexception { connectionconfiguration config = new connectionconfiguration("", 5222); config.setsaslauthenticationenabled(true); config.setsecuritymode(securitymode.required); config.setrosterloadedatlogin(true); config.settruststorepath("/system/etc/security/cacerts.bks"); config.settruststorepassword("changeit"); config.settruststoretype("bks"); config.setsendpresence(false); try { sslcontext sc = sslcontext.getinstance("tls"); sc.init(null, memorizingtrustmanager.getinstancelist(this), new; config.setcustomsslcontext(sc); } catch (generalsecurityexception e) { log.w("tag", "unable use memorizingtrustmanager", e); } xmppconnection xmpp = new xmppconnection(config); try { xmpp.connect(); xmpp.login("facebookusername", "****"); // error on line roster roster = xmpp.getroster(); collection<rosterentry> entries = roster.getentries(); system.out.println("connected!"); system.out.println("\n\n" + entries.size() + " buddy(ies):"); // shows first time onliners----> string temp[] = new string[50]; int = 0; (rosterentry entry : entries) { string user = entry.getuser(); log.i("tag", user); } } catch (xmppexception e) { xmpp.disconnect(); e.printstacktrace(); } }
i used smack 3.3.0 api, uses_internet permission, , steps mentioned there(memorizingtrustmanager).
but i'm getting error.
04-21 15:18:44.589: e/androidruntime(2811): fatal exception: main 04-21 15:18:44.589: e/androidruntime(2811): java.lang.verifyerror: org.jivesoftware.smack.sasl.saslmechanism 04-21 15:18:44.589: e/androidruntime(2811): @ java.lang.class.getdeclaredconstructors(native method) 04-21 15:18:44.589: e/androidruntime(2811): @ java.lang.class.getconstructor( 04-21 15:18:44.589: e/androidruntime(2811): @ org.jivesoftware.smack.saslauthentication.authenticate( 04-21 15:18:44.589: e/androidruntime(2811): @ org.jivesoftware.smack.xmppconnection.login( 04-21 15:18:44.589: e/androidruntime(2811): @ org.jivesoftware.smack.connection.login( 04-21 15:18:44.589: e/androidruntime(2811): @ com.activapps.fbchat.mainactivity.connecttofb(
having profile ; used user id nizam.cs, & login none of worked.
what missing?
i tested on emulator without facebook sdk.
problem solved! :)
the problem smack library used. instead of smack3.3.0, used asmack-android-6.jar which update smack library: smack xep0280 , xep0184.
that solved connectivity problem.
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