php - Yii TbButtonGroup wont work -

    <?php $this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.tbbuttongroup', array(     'type'=>'success',      'buttons'=>array(         array('label'=>'action', 'url'=>'#'),         array('items'=>array(             array(                 'label'=>'set approved',                 'url'=>$this->createurl('controller/dostuff'),                 'buttontype'=>'ajaxbutton',                 'ajaxoptions'=>array(                       'beforesend' => 'function( request ) {                           alert(request);                         }'                       ,                       'success' => 'function( data ) {                           alert(data);                         }'                       ,                   ),             ),             array('label'=>'set blocked', 'url'=>'#', 'buttontype' => 'ajaxlink'),             array('label'=>'set pending', 'url'=>'#', 'buttontype' => 'ajaxlink'),          )),     ), )); ?> 

i tried lot cannot working.. want use yiis ajax behaviour on first button of buttongroup.. dont javascript errors or anything.. if click link redirects me url - no ajax @ all. maybe have idea

i see in tbbutton file, see run() method:

public function run() {     echo $this->createbutton();      if ($this->hasdropdown())     {         $this->controller->widget('bootstrap.widgets.tbdropdown', array(             'encodelabel'=>$this->encodelabel,             'items'=>$this->items,             'htmloptions'=>$this->dropdownoptions,         ));     } } 

if button contained in items, instance of tbdropdown, not tbbutton; buttontype , ajaxoption tried provide useless.

you can choose solution replace solution. can set id each item , write javascript ajax manualy.


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