java - Only default values are returned in Calendar object in android. Why? -

i have set date calendar object in way...

calendar lastcheckup = calendar.getinstance(); lastcheckup.set(year, month+1, day); 

now, when print out in console using


i correct values...

07-18 11:59:13.903: i/system.out(1717): java.util.gregoriancalendar[time=1365834504001,arefieldsset=true,lenient=true,zone=asia/calcutta,firstdayofweek=1,minimaldaysinfirstweek=1,era=1,year=2013,month=3,week_of_year=15,week_of_month=2,day_of_month=13,day_of_year=103,day_of_week=7,day_of_week_in_month=2,am_pm=0,hour=11,hour_of_day=11,minute=58,second=24,millisecond=1,zone_offset=19800000,dst_offset=0] 

so i'm assuming values set correctly in calendar object.

but when try access using

mtextviewlastcheckdate.settext(new stringbuilder().append(lastcheckup.day_of_month)             .append("/").append(lastcheckup.month).append("/").append(lastcheckup.year)             .append(" ")); 

i default values...

that is, textview gives output of 5/2/1

what doing wrong?

you're using lastcheckup.month, lastcheckup.day_of_month etc. constant fields - access values specific calendar, need

int month = lastcheckup.get(calendar.month); 

etc. read documentation of calendar more details how you're meant use it.

however, need understand months 0-based in calendar, still wouldn't right. also, want 0-pad day , month. you'd much better off using simpledateformat you.

// not sure why want space @ end, but... dateformat format = new simpledateformat("dd/mm/yyyy "); mtextviewlastcheckdate.settext(format.format(lastcheckup.gettime()); 

you should consider time zone , locale want use, too. above code uses default.

edit: note line:

lastcheckup.set(year, month+1, day); 

is wrong. don't know month meant here, in set call should in range 0-11 inclusive (assuming gregorian calendar).


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