java - Id search in elasticsearch -

now want search id in field.

builder.startobject().startobject(type_series).startobject("properties");      builder.startobject(id)             .field("type", "long")             .field("store", "yes")             .field("index", "analyzed")             .field("analyzer", "test_analyzer")             .endobject();      builder.startobject(title)             .field("type", "string")             .field("store", "yes")             .field("index", "analyzed")             .field("analyzer", "test_analyzer")             .field("boost", "10")             .endobject(); 

i tried search id this:

.setquery(querybuilders.multimatchquery(query,                         id, title)) 

btw, can result id, instead cannot search title. search id getting results.

so changed this. used multisearchresponse tried execute 2 kids of queries.



the other

.setquery(querybuilders.multimatchquery(query,                                              title,description)) 

unfortunately, result title or description. if search id, cannot results.

================ i'd execute

curl -xget localhost:9200/test/series/99 

i want results id. unfortunately, don't know how make code java api.

please let me know. thanks.

there's _id field can search in. so, curl http://localhost:9200/_search?q=_id:99+and+_type:series+and+_index:test or http://localhost:9200/test/series/_search?q=_id:99 should trick.


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