sql - MYSQL unselect query from second table -

hi have 2 table

table 1

id    selection   ------------------- 1     john            2     ely                3     marcus             4     steve            5     fritz            6     orly            7     carlo               8     lee     

table 2

id    selected  ------------------- 1     john                          3     marcus  4     steve                      5     fritz            7     carlo  

the return unselected rows. query output

id    selection  -------------------          2     ely                          6     orly                   8     lee 

use left join join both table , t2.id null remove common records

select t1.* table1 t1    left join table2 t2      on t1.id = t2.id   t2.id null 


╔════╦═══════════╗ ║ id ║ selection ║ ╠════╬═══════════╣ ║  2 ║ ely       ║ ║  6 ║ orly      ║ ║  8 ║ lee       ║ ╚════╩═══════════╝ 

see this sqlfiddle


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