objective c - NSTask - Respond to input request from OpenSSL -
it seems i'm having trouble understanding nstask in cocoa. application want launch openssl. currently, i'm able send information (launch path, arguments etc.) , can response using nspipe. need able though respond input requests application asks for. following code, can send , read response file:
nstask *task; task = [[nstask alloc] init]; [task setlaunchpath: launchpath]; [task setarguments: arguments]; [task setcurrentdirectorypath:dir]; nspipe *pipe; pipe = [nspipe pipe]; [task setstandardoutput: pipe]; nsfilehandle *file; file = [pipe filehandleforreading]; [task launch]; nsdata *data; data = [file readdatatoendoffile]; nsstring *response = [[nsstring alloc] initwithdata: data encoding: nsutf8stringencoding];
once launch nstask, i'm expected provide things domain name, country etc. reason question because need able generate certificate signing request openssl , send it, along other data, on server. code above not broken, i'm not sure how can go sending on input.
also, if has used sort of openssl implementation cocoa/objc , feels better option using nstask, i'm open well.
thanks in advance.
not looking @ this, if , didn't know answer, found solution ended using different method. instead of sending additional input, pass -subj parameter. however, solution asking follows:
nstask *task = [[nstask alloc] init]; nsstring *tmpdir=nstemporarydirectory(); [task setcurrentdirectorypath:tmpdir]; [task setlaunchpath:@"/usr/bin/openssl"]; nsarray *sslarguments=@[@"req",@"-nodes",@"-newkey",@"rsa:2048",@"-keyout",@"myserver.key",@"-out",@"server.csr"]; [task setarguments:sslarguments]; nspipe * in = [nspipe pipe]; [task setstandardinput:in]; nsdata *data=[@"gb\nyorks\n\nyork\simuplansl\nit\nsomeone@simuplan.com" datausingencoding:nsutf8stringencoding]; [task launch]; [[in filehandleforwriting] writedata:data]; [task waituntilexit];
i had write file in temporary directory , feed through input pipe.
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