sql - Connect By Level In Subquery Slow -

i using connect_by_level subquery in oracle database supply dates join table. connect level appears causing query run slowly. here slow query:

select t.code, d.month_end, count(*)   device t,        (select add_months(trunc(sysdate, 'mm'), - (level - 1)) - 1 month_end           dual         connect level <= 1) d  (d.month_end between t.date , t.exp_date)  group t.code, d.month_end 

the slow query above took 2 hours run other day. query below should equivalent runs in less 30 seconds:

select t.code, trunc(sysdate, 'mm') - 1 month_end, count(*)   device t   ((trunc(sysdate, 'mm') - 1) between t.date , t.exp_date)  group t.code  

ultimately, want 1st query return data past 24 months, need figure out why running 1 month criteria. suggestions on causing slow completion time connect level query?

edit add explain plan output slow query:

| id  | operation                                      | name                     | rows  | bytes |         cost (%cpu)| time     | pstart| pstop |    tq  |in-out| pq distrib | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |   0 | select statement                               |                          |   520 | 65520 |   134k  (1)| 00:00:03 |       |       |        |      |            | |   1 |  px coordinator                                |                          |       |       |            |          |       |       |        |      |            | |   2 |   px send qc (random)                          | :tq10006                 |   520 | 65520 |   134k  (1)| 00:00:03 |       |       |  q1,06 | p->s | qc (rand)  | |   3 |    hash group                               |                          |   520 | 65520 |   134k  (1)| 00:00:03 |       |       |  q1,06 | pcwp |            | |   4 |     px receive                                 |                          |   520 | 65520 |   134k  (1)| 00:00:03 |       |       |  q1,06 | pcwp |            | |   5 |      px send hash                              | :tq10005                 |   520 | 65520 |   134k  (1)| 00:00:03 |       |       |  q1,05 | p->p | hash       | |   6 |       hash group                            |                          |   520 | 65520 |   134k  (1)| 00:00:03 |       |       |  q1,05 | pcwp |            | |*  7 |        hash join outer                         |                          |   520 | 65520 |   134k  (1)| 00:00:03 |       |       |  q1,05 | pcwp |            | |   8 |         px receive                             |                          |   520 | 48880 |   134k  (1)| 00:00:03 |       |       |  q1,05 | pcwp |            | |   9 |          px send hash                          | :tq10003                 |   520 | 48880 |   134k  (1)| 00:00:03 |       |       |  q1,03 | p->p | hash       | |* 10 |           hash join outer buffered             |                          |   520 | 48880 |   134k  (1)| 00:00:03 |       |       |  q1,03 | pcwp |            | |  11 |            px receive                          |                          |       |       |            |          |       |       |  q1,03 | pcwp |            | |  12 |             px send hash                       | :tq10001                 |       |       |            |          |       |       |  q1,01 | p->p | hash       | |  13 |              nested loops                      |                          |       |       |            |          |       |       |  q1,01 | pcwp |            | |  14 |               nested loops                     |                          |   276 | 13800 | 50303   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |  q1,01 | pcwp |            | |  15 |                buffer sort                     |                          |       |       |            |          |       |       |  q1,01 | pcwc |            | |  16 |                 px receive                     |                          |       |       |            |          |       |       |  q1,01 | pcwp |            | |  17 |                  px send broadcast             | :tq10000                 |       |       |            |          |       |       |        | s->p | broadcast  | |  18 |                   view                         |                          |     1 |     6 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |        |      |            | |* 19 |                    connect without filtering|                          |       |       |            |          |       |       |        |      |            | |  20 |                     fast dual                  |                          |     1 |       |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |        |      |            | |  21 |                px partition range          |                          |  3898k|       |  1656   (0)| 00:00:01 |     1 |    75 |  q1,01 | pcwc |            | |* 22 |                 index range scan               | ftr_dt_ix1               |  3898k|       |  1656   (0)| 00:00:01 |     1 |    75 |  q1,01 | pcwp |            | |* 23 |               table access local index rowid| ftr_dt                   |   276 | 12144 | 50300   (0)| 00:00:01 |     1 |     1 |  q1,01 | pcwp |            | |  24 |            px receive                          |                          |  7344k|   308m| 83875   (1)| 00:00:02 |       |       |  q1,03 | pcwp |            | |  25 |             px send hash                       | :tq10002                 |  7344k|   308m| 83875   (1)| 00:00:02 |       |       |  q1,02 | p->p | hash       | |  26 |              px block iterator                 |                          |  7344k|   308m| 83875   (1)| 00:00:02 |       |       |  q1,02 | pcwc |            | |* 27 |               table access storage full        | dtl_hist_dt              |  7344k|   308m| 83875   (1)| 00:00:02 |       |       |  q1,02 | pcwp |            | |  28 |         px receive                             |                          |   108k|  3376k|   275   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |  q1,05 | pcwp |            | |  29 |          px send hash                          | :tq10004                 |   108k|  3376k|   275   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |  q1,04 | p->p | hash       | |  30 |           px block iterator                    |                          |   108k|  3376k|   275   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |  q1,04 | pcwc |            | |* 31 |            table access storage full           | point_t                  |   108k|  3376k|   275   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |  q1,04 | pcwp |            |    predicate information (identified operation id): ---------------------------------------------------     7 - access("c"."code"="ap"."code"(+) , "c"."point_id"="ap"."point_id"(+))   10 - access("cf"."p_id"="c"."wtn"(+))   19 - filter(level<=1)   22 - access("cf"."date"<=internal_function("d"."month_end"))   23 - filter(upper("cf"."plan") '%dv%' , ("cf"."ft_code"='7370' or "cf"."ft_code"='7371' or "cf"."ft_code"='7372' or                "cf"."ft_code"='7373' or "cf"."ft_code"='7374' or "cf"."ft_code"='7380' or "cf"."ft_code"='7380c' or "cf"."ft_code"='7381' or                "cf"."ft_code"='7381c' or "cf"."ft_code"='7382' or "cf"."ft_code"='7382c' or "cf"."ft_code"='7383' or "cf"."ft_code"='7384' or                "cf"."ft_code"='7409' or "cf"."ft_code"='7409c' or "cf"."ft_code"='7410' or "cf"."ft_code"='7410c' or "cf"."ft_code"='trkdv') ,                "cf"."exp_date">=internal_function("d"."month_end"))   27 - storage("c"."exp_date"(+)>=trunc(sysdate@!,'fmmm')-1 , "c"."date"(+)<=trunc(sysdate@!,'fmmm')-1)        filter("c"."exp_date"(+)>=trunc(sysdate@!,'fmmm')-1 , "c"."date"(+)<=trunc(sysdate@!,'fmmm')-1)   31 - storage("ap"."exp_date"(+)>=trunc(sysdate@!,'fmmm')-1 , "ap"."date"(+)<=trunc(sysdate@!,'fmmm')-1)        filter("ap"."exp_date"(+)>=trunc(sysdate@!,'fmmm')-1 , "ap"."date"(+)<=trunc(sysdate@!,'fmmm')-1)  note -----    - dynamic sampling used statement (level=6)    - automatic dop: computed degree of parallelism 8 

edit add explain plan faster query:

| id  | operation                             | name                     | rows  | bytes | cost (%cpu)| time     | pstart| pstop |    tq  |in-out| pq distrib | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |   0 | select statement                      |                          |   278 | 33360 |   622k  (1)| 00:00:11 |       |       |        |      |            | |   1 |  px coordinator                       |                          |       |       |            |          |       |       |        |      |            | |   2 |   px send qc (random)                 | :tq10005                 |   278 | 33360 |   622k  (1)| 00:00:11 |       |       |  q1,05 | p->s | qc (rand)  | |   3 |    hash group                      |                          |   278 | 33360 |   622k  (1)| 00:00:11 |       |       |  q1,05 | pcwp |            | |   4 |     px receive                        |                          |  4034 |   472k|   622k  (1)| 00:00:11 |       |       |  q1,05 | pcwp |            | |   5 |      px send hash                     | :tq10004                 |  4034 |   472k|   622k  (1)| 00:00:11 |       |       |  q1,04 | p->p | hash       | |*  6 |       hash join outer buffered        |                          |  4034 |   472k|   622k  (1)| 00:00:11 |       |       |  q1,04 | pcwp |            | |   7 |        px receive                     |                          |  4034 |   346k|   621k  (1)| 00:00:11 |       |       |  q1,04 | pcwp |            | |   8 |         px send hash                  | :tq10002                 |  4034 |   346k|   621k  (1)| 00:00:11 |       |       |  q1,02 | p->p | hash       | |*  9 |          hash join outer buffered     |                          |  4034 |   346k|   621k  (1)| 00:00:11 |       |       |  q1,02 | pcwp |            | |  10 |           px receive                  |                          |  2140 | 94160 |   538k  (1)| 00:00:09 |       |       |  q1,02 | pcwp |            | |  11 |            px send hash               | :tq10000                 |  2140 | 94160 |   538k  (1)| 00:00:09 |       |       |  q1,00 | p->p | hash       | |  12 |             px block iterator         |                          |  2140 | 94160 |   538k  (1)| 00:00:09 |     1 |    75 |  q1,00 | pcwc |            | |* 13 |              table access storage full| ftr_dt                   |  2140 | 94160 |   538k  (1)| 00:00:09 |     1 |    75 |  q1,00 | pcwp |            | |  14 |           px receive                  |                          |  7344k|   308m| 83875   (1)| 00:00:02 |       |       |  q1,02 | pcwp |            | |  15 |            px send hash               | :tq10001                 |  7344k|   308m| 83875   (1)| 00:00:02 |       |       |  q1,01 | p->p | hash       | |  16 |             px block iterator         |                          |  7344k|   308m| 83875   (1)| 00:00:02 |       |       |  q1,01 | pcwc |            | |* 17 |              table access storage full| dtl_hist_dt              |  7344k|   308m| 83875   (1)| 00:00:02 |       |       |  q1,01 | pcwp |            | |  18 |        px receive                     |                          |   108k|  3376k|   275   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |  q1,04 | pcwp |            | |  19 |         px send hash                  | :tq10003                 |   108k|  3376k|   275   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |  q1,03 | p->p | hash       | |  20 |          px block iterator            |                          |   108k|  3376k|   275   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |  q1,03 | pcwc |            | |* 21 |           table access storage full   | point_t                  |   108k|  3376k|   275   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |  q1,03 | pcwp |            |  predicate information (identified operation id): ---------------------------------------------------     6 - access("c"."code"="ap"."code"(+) , "c"."point_id"="ap"."point_id"(+))    9 - access("cf"."p_id"="c"."wtn"(+))   13 - storage(upper("cf"."plan") '%dv%' , ("cf"."ft_code"='7370' or "cf"."ft_code"='7371' or "cf"."ft_code"='7372' or                "cf"."ft_code"='7373' or "cf"."ft_code"='7374' or "cf"."ft_code"='7380' or "cf"."ft_code"='7380c' or "cf"."ft_code"='7381' or                "cf"."ft_code"='7381c' or "cf"."ft_code"='7382' or "cf"."ft_code"='7382c' or "cf"."ft_code"='7383' or "cf"."ft_code"='7384'                or "cf"."ft_code"='7409' or "cf"."ft_code"='7409c' or "cf"."ft_code"='7410' or "cf"."ft_code"='7410c' or                "cf"."ft_code"='trkdv') , "cf"."exp_date">=trunc(sysdate@!,'fmmm')-1 , "cf"."date"<=trunc(sysdate@!,'fmmm')-1)        filter(upper("cf"."plan") '%dv%' , ("cf"."ft_code"='7370' or "cf"."ft_code"='7371' or "cf"."ft_code"='7372' or                "cf"."ft_code"='7373' or "cf"."ft_code"='7374' or "cf"."ft_code"='7380' or "cf"."ft_code"='7380c' or "cf"."ft_code"='7381' or                "cf"."ft_code"='7381c' or "cf"."ft_code"='7382' or "cf"."ft_code"='7382c' or "cf"."ft_code"='7383' or "cf"."ft_code"='7384'                or "cf"."ft_code"='7409' or "cf"."ft_code"='7409c' or "cf"."ft_code"='7410' or "cf"."ft_code"='7410c' or                "cf"."ft_code"='trkdv') , "cf"."exp_date">=trunc(sysdate@!,'fmmm')-1 , "cf"."date"<=trunc(sysdate@!,'fmmm')-1)   17 - storage("c"."exp_date"(+)>=trunc(sysdate@!,'fmmm')-1 , "c"."date"(+)<=trunc(sysdate@!,'fmmm')-1)        filter("c"."exp_date"(+)>=trunc(sysdate@!,'fmmm')-1 , "c"."date"(+)<=trunc(sysdate@!,'fmmm')-1)   21 - storage("ap"."exp_date"(+)>=trunc(sysdate@!,'fmmm')-1 , "ap"."date"(+)<=trunc(sysdate@!,'fmmm')-1)        filter("ap"."exp_date"(+)>=trunc(sysdate@!,'fmmm')-1 , "ap"."date"(+)<=trunc(sysdate@!,'fmmm')-1)  note -----    - dynamic sampling used statement (level=6)    - automatic dop: computed degree of parallelism 8 

in first query oracle doing index range scan on large table , retrieving huge amounts of data on first pass access("cf"."date"<=internal_function("d"."month_end")). can work around rewriting select more fast one. -

select t.code, trunc(t.exp_date, 'mm') - 1 month_end, count(*)   device t   t.date < :report_period_end    , t.exp_date > :report_period_start  group t.code, trunc(t.exp_date,'mm') - 1; 

also note there several potential problems original slow query:

  1. a row t.date , t.exp_date more 2 months apart counted multiple times.
  2. rows t.date , t.exp_date has same month not counted @ all
  3. you comparing dates e.g. 2013.10.30 00:00:00. results may incorrect if dates contain time data.


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