batch file - Change password for all users accounts in command prompt -
alright, need of batch scripting guru me out of corner i've backed myself into.
i have program runs system , want change password accounts appear in output net user. i'm not sure how command line or ahk-based scripting.
when perform net user command output me:
c:\users\resident>net user user accounts \\9100baseline ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- administrator guest resident command completed successfully.
i need way change password on accounts here (be 3 or 50) of choosing.
can me out this? tried slapping loop each item token before realized don't know how regex usernames out of there.
i'd recommend employing of little vbscript:
set accounts = getobject("winnt://.") accounts.filter = array("user") each user in accounts wscript.echo next
save listusers.vbs
, run this:
@echo off setlocal set /p "newpw=enter new password: " /f "delims=" %%u in ('cscript //nologo c:\path\to\listusers.vbs') ( net user "%%u" "%newpw%" )
edit: if want omit specific accounts being processed can either add exclude list vbscript:
set exclude = createobject("scripting.dictionary") exclude.comparemode = vbtextcompare exclude.add "homegroupuser$", true exclude.add "otheruser", true ... set accounts = getobject("winnt://.") accounts.filter = array("user") each user in accounts if not exclude.exists( wscript.echo next
or filter output of listusers.vbs
for /f "delims=" %%u in ( 'cscript //nologo c:\path\to\listusers.vbs ^| findstr /v /i ^ /c:homegroupuser$ /c:otheruser ...' ) ( net user "%%u" "%newpw%" )
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