c# - Adding the results of multiple queries to a collection and displaying collection in a div -
i want able run queries below , return results line line in div. results added hashtable passing method , display in div.
the first query in array arrayofqueries[0] can return multiple lines que:
how can write handle multiple lines returned query in array --- arrayofqueries[0]. i.e want able store multiple lines in harsh table or maybe should using stringbuilder object.
how can display content of hashtable in div.
public hashtable displayresultstousers(int genjobid) { hashtable myht = new hashtable(); try { string[] arrayofqueries = new string[4]; arrayofqueries[0] = "select generic, customernumber, productcode u_generic_data row_status = 2 , generic_job_id =" + genjobid; arrayofqueries[1] = "select count(*) u_generic_data row_status = 2 , generic_job_id =" + genjobid; arrayofqueries[2] = "select count(*) u_generic_data row_status = 1 , generic_job_id =" + genjobid; arrayofqueries[3] = "select count(*) u_generic_data row_status = 0 , generic_job_id =" + genjobid; string connect = configurationmanager.connectionstrings["myconnect"].connectionstring; using (odbcconnection resconnect = new odbcconnection(connect)) { string sqlstmt = string.empty; string queryresult = string.empty; int count = 0; odbccommand dbcmd = new odbccommand(); dbcmd.connection = resconnect; resconnect.open(); foreach (string s in arrayofqueries) { dbcmd.commandtext = s; queryresult = convert.tostring(dbcmd.executescalar()); count = count + 1; myht.add(count, queryresult); } resconnect.close(); } } catch (exception ex) { } return myht;
not work query such select generic, customernumber, productcode u_generic_data row_status = 2 , generic_job_id =" + genjobid
. need dbcmd.executereader()
or other overload retrieve columns. executescalar()
fine select count(*)
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