multithreading - VB.NET Invoke Method -

i have method in code:

private sub display()         received.appendtext(" - " & rxarray) end sub 

whats difference between 2 calls:

me.invoke(new methodinvoker(addressof display)) 



i know threading, i'm not sure.

thanks in advance

use invoke way when you're working in different threads. example if caller not in same thread gui.

if caller doesn't need wait result of method, use begininvoke:

guiobject.begininvoke(new methodinvoker(addressof display)) 

or shorter:

guiobject.begininvoke(sub() display) 

for more ease of writing move invoking display function:

private sub display()     if me.invokerequired         me.invoke(sub() display)         return     end if     received.appendtext(" - " & rxarray) end sub 

that way caller doesn't have know whether in same thread or not.


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