Including additional custom attributes in an laravel eloquent response -


class profile extends eloquent {       public function user(){ return $this->belongsto('user'); }       public function url(){         return url::route('profile', array('city_slug' => $this->city_slug, 'slug'=> $this->slug));      }  } 


class profilecontroller extends basecontroller {     public function show($user_id)     {          $profile = profile::with('user')->where('user_id', $user_id);          return response::json($profile, 200);     } } 

i response include generated url profile method url(){}

{     "id" : 1,     "url" : /profile/{city_slug}/{slug},     .... } 

thanks in advance.

i go @ other way.

in users model...

public function profile() {     return $this->belongsto('profiles','profile_id'); } 

then can use $profile = user::find(user_id)->profile.

$data = array(     'id' => $profile->id,     'url' => "/profile/".$profile->city_slug."/".profile->slug ); 

and return repsonse::json($data,200);


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