javascript - Creating a Transformation Pipeline in Three JS -

i'm struggling explain problem, please bear me.

is there recommended way re-apply same transformations object in it's original shape every frame, 1 can see differences transforms changes original object. in pseudocode below, there "original object". in each frame, apply current transforms original object can see differences.

ui slider: scale ui slider: rotate ui slider: position  each frame {   original object -> applycurrentscale -> applycurrentrotate -> applycurrentposition       render new object      } 

this way, change transforms, in real time, can watch effect. hope makes sense.

here pattern follow, after extract parameters sliders:

object.scale.set( s, s, s );  object.setrotationfromaxisangle( axis, angle ); // r.59  object.position.set( x, y, z );  renderer.render( scene, camera ); 

another way set rotation is:

object.rotation.y = angle; 

three.js r.59


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