eclipse - Import existing Android project results in a lot "bugs" in JNI folder -
i have eclipse project native library , need copy project machine.
i coping project folder there , use "file->new->android project existing code". using tick "copy projects workspace".
then go jni folder , see lot of bugs "unresolved inclusion: ", "type 'jnicall' not resolved", "method 'getstringutfchars' not resolved", etc. 31 errors @ all.
i trying compile jni library. no problem. has compiled still see bugs see before. trying launch android application , saying me project containing errors.
this problem native libraries.
how fix this?
go project propriets >> c/c++ general >> paths , symbols , add:
you can include de x86 , mips version too:
"/home/ademar/android-ndk-r9/platforms/android-18/arch-x86/usr/include" "/home/ademar/android-ndk-r9/platforms/android-18/arch-mips/usr/include"
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