ajax - Ember: Fetching data for objects that depend on each other -

i'm trying build front-end metrics tool ember. code i've written far has been influenced eviltrout's emberreddit application


the goal have 2 classes depend on each other: metrics , filters.

1) once application initializes, filters, instances of filter-class, loaded server. once filters have loaded, displayed checkboxes on screen. after that, metrics objects should take filters parameters , query server data.

2) once user changes checkboxes , updates filter objects, application should take filters parameters again , fetch new metrics data server.

my problem don't know how handle dependencies between these 2 sets of objects asynchronous ajax calls. @ it's current state, application doesn't finish loading filters when starts loading metrics. therefore, filters don't passed parameters metrics ajax-call.

my question is: what's best way ember? there surely has way handle order of ajax calls. intuition manually adding observers isn't way go.

here models of application:

//filter models  var defaultfilters = ['dates', 'devices'];  //set filter class. filter object multiplied each filter. app.filter = ember.object.extend({      //capitalize first letter title     filtertitle: function() {         return this.get('id').charat(0).touppercase() + this.get('id').slice(1);     }.property('id'),      //set attribute see if filter has loaded     loadedfilter: false,      //create method load filter values server     loadvalues: function() {         var filter = this;         return ember.deferred.promise(function (p) {               if (filter.get('loadedfilter')) {                  p.resolve(filter.get('values'));             } else {                 p.resolve($.getjson("" + filter.get('id')).then(function(response) {                 var values = ember.a();                 response[filter.get('id')].foreach(function(value) {                     values.push(value);                 });                 filter.setproperties({values: values, loadedfilter: true});                 return values;                 }))             }})}     }   );    //reopen class create "all" method returns instances of filter class app.filter.reopenclass({     all: function() {         if (this._all) {return this._all; }         var = ember.a();         defaultfilters.foreach(function(id) {             all.pushobject(app.filter.create({id: id}));         });         this._all = all;         return all; }});  //create filters array store filters. app.filters = app.filter.all();  //metric models app.metric = ember.object.extend({      metrictitle: function() {         return this.get('id').charat(0).touppercase() + this.get('id').slice(1);     }.property('id'),      loadedmetric: false,      filtersbinding: 'app.filters',      loadvalues: function() {     var metric = this;     var filters = metric.get('filters');     if (filters.get('loadedfilters'))     console.log('loading metrics');      return ember.deferred.promise(function (p) {           if (metric.get('loadedmetric')) {              p.resolve(metric.get('values'));          } else {             p.resolve(                 console.log('sending ajax'),                 $.ajax({                  url: "" + metric.get('id') + "/",                 data: json.stringify(metric.get('filters')),                 }).then(function(response) {             var values = ember.a();             response[metric.get('id')].foreach(function(value) {                 values.push(value);             });             metric.setproperties({"values": values, "loadedmetric": true});             return values;             }))         }})}   });  app.metric.reopenclass({       findbyview: function(searchview) {         if (this._metrics) {return this._metrics; }         var metrics = ember.a();         defaultmetricssettings.foreach(function(metric) {             if (metric.view == searchview)                 metrics.pushobject(app.metric.create({id: metric.id},{view: metric.view}, {calculation: metric.calculation}, {format: metric.format}, {width: metric.width}));         });         this._metrics = metrics;         return metrics;     } }); 

and here routes:

app.applicationroute = ember.route.extend({     //set application routes model filters     model: function() {         return app.filter.all();     },      //after filter has loaded, let's load values     aftermodel: function(model) {         return model.foreach(function(item) {             item.loadvalues();         });     },      //create controller called applicationcontroller , pass filter model     setupcontroller: function(controller, filter) {         controller.set('model', filter);     }  });  app.dashboardroute = ember.route.extend({     model: function() {         return app.metric.findbyview('dashboard');     },      aftermodel: function(model) {         return model.foreach(function(item) {             item.loadvalues();         });     },      setupcontroller: function(controller, metric) {         controller.set('model', metric);     } }); 


app.applicationcontroller = ember.arraycontroller.extend({     //applicationcontroller controls filters. let's create controller handle each instance of filter     itemcontroller: 'filter' });  app.filtercontroller = ember.objectcontroller.extend({     //this sets titleid property used binding html attributes in template. stupid way this.     titleid: function() {         return "#" + this.get('filtertitle');}.property('filtertitle') }); 

your aftermodel hook in sequence of dependent promises. current implementation returning immediately, instead chain promise , return last promise result of hook. router wait whole set of calls complete before continuing setupcontroller.

aftermodel: function(model) {   var promise;   model.foreach(function(item)) {     if (promise) {       promise = promise.then(function() {         item.loadvalues();       });     } else {       promise = item.loadvalues();     }   }    return promise; } 

i'm not sure how many of calls have, may want batch of these reduce number of http requests.


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