coldfusion - CFChart labels disappear -

i'm running following query , after running qoq secondconn , not getting desired output in cfchart.

<!--- qoq firstconn ---> <!--- master query ---> <cfquery datasource = "xx.xx.x.xx" name="master1">      select str_to_date(date_format(timedetail,'%m-%d-%y'),'%m-%d-%y') firstconn             , count(timedetail) firstoccurances             , events        mydatabase      events = "first"       group firstconn ; </cfquery>   <!--- detail query ---> <!--- <cfdump var = "#master#"> ---> <cfquery dbtype="query" name="detail1">     select  *     master1      firstconn  >= <cfqueryparam value="#form.startdate#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">      ,   firstconn  <  <cfqueryparam value="#dateadd('d', 1,form.enddate)#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">; </cfquery>     <!--- qoq secondconn ---> <!--- master query ---> <cfquery datasource = "xx.xx.x.xx" name="master2">     select str_to_date(date_format(timedetail,'%m-%d-%y'),'%m-%d-%y') secondconn            , count(timedetail) secondoccurances            , events       mydatabase     events = "second"      group secondconn ; </cfquery>   <!--- detail query ---> <!--- <cfdump var = "#master#"> ---> <cfquery dbtype="query" name="detail2">     select  *       master2       secondconn  >= <cfqueryparam value="#form.startdate#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">      ,    secondconn  <  <cfqueryparam value="#dateadd('d', 1,form.enddate)#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">; </cfquery>     <cfchart format="flash"  chartwidth="1000" chartheight="500" scalefrom="0" scaleto="50000" xaxistitle="dates" yaxistitle="number of connections">      <cfchartseries  query="detail1" type="line" itemcolumn="firstconn" valuecolumn="firstoccurances" >       <cfchartseries  query="detail2" type="line" itemcolumn="secondconn" valuecolumn="secondoccurances" >       </cfchartseries> </cfchart> 

on x axis, chart displaying correct startdate stops displaying dates after middle point somewhere , rest of line chart displayed without dates mentioned on x-axis. reason? dates displaying when ran 1 query, qoq firstconn.

image #1 attached shows output 1 query , qoq firstconn

image #2 both , showing undesirable output.

another point noticed when run query secondconn, see output without dates mentioned on x-axis. th reason? have attached image #3 below reference.there no change in query.

the cfchart code i'm using follows:

<cfchart format="flash"             chartwidth="1000"            chartheight="500"            scalefrom="0"            scaleto="50000"            xaxistitle="date"            yaxistitle="number of connections"            showlegend = "yes"            showmarkers = "yes"           sortxaxis= "yes"           tipstyle="mousedown"           >             <cfchartseries  query="detail2" type="line" itemcolumn="secondconn " valuecolumn="secondoccurances" >     </cfchartseries>   </cfchart>   

the cfdump of second query follows:

query resultset    query     secondconn                secondoccurances   events 1   {ts '2013-06-24 00:00:00'}  556             second 2   {ts '2013-06-25 00:00:00'}  2710            second 3   {ts '2013-06-26 00:00:00'}  2854            second 4   {ts '2013-06-27 00:00:00'}  6348            second 5   {ts '2013-06-28 00:00:00'}  4285            second 6   {ts '2013-06-29 00:00:00'}  2843            second 7   {ts '2013-06-30 00:00:00'}  875             second 8   {ts '2013-07-01 00:00:00'}  4033            second 9   {ts '2013-07-02 00:00:00'}  3211            second 10  {ts '2013-07-03 00:00:00'}  2882            second 11  {ts '2013-07-04 00:00:00'}  978             second 12  {ts '2013-07-05 00:00:00'}  1727            second 13  {ts '2013-07-06 00:00:00'}  811             second 14  {ts '2013-07-07 00:00:00'}  522             second 15  {ts '2013-07-08 00:00:00'}  2556            second 16  {ts '2013-07-09 00:00:00'}  1160            second 17  {ts '2013-07-10 00:00:00'}  8580            second 18  {ts '2013-07-11 00:00:00'}  2630            second 19  {ts '2013-07-16 00:00:00'}  12              second  

please let me know if can answer more questions.

without seeing dump of query data, guess charting engine may have decided there many values reasonably display on x-axis. (i tested code , works fine cf9). try smaller date range , see if date labels reappear. if so, may need customize chart settings better fit. here of pertinent style settings.

  • ishideoverlapped - hide/show labels overlap
  • skiplabels - adjust display every n labels instead of all
  • orientation - label orientation (horizontal or vertical)

test code

<cfset detail1 = querynew("")> <cfset queryaddcolumn(detail1, "firstconn", "date", listtoarray("2013-07-31,2013-08-15,2013-08-17"))> <cfset queryaddcolumn(detail1, "firstoccurances", listtoarray("3,5,6"))>  <cfset detail2 = querynew("")> <cfset queryaddcolumn(detail2, "secondconn", "date", listtoarray("2013-08-10,2013-08-18,2013-08-20"))> <cfset queryaddcolumn(detail2, "secondoccurances", listtoarray("4,10,8"))> <cfchart format="flash"  xaxistitle="dates" yaxistitle="number of connections">        <cfchartseries  query="detail1" type="line" itemcolumn="firstconn" valuecolumn="firstoccurances" />         <cfchartseries  query="detail2" type="line" itemcolumn="secondconn" valuecolumn="secondoccurances" />  </cfchart> 

qoq faster , that's why i'm using it.

honestly, not approach handling slow running queries. best place optimize db query in database. take time examine query plan , find bottleneck, add appropriate indexes, etcetera. using qoq's incur lot of network o/h pulling lot of data discarded. not mention, memory required build new resultset. lot of wasted resources , not scale well.

(that said, believe have opened separate thread regarding query speed. rather mixing questions again, leave conversation other thread.)


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