regex - Spiting Regular expression and accessing Array of Array -

an example trying understand website. people2.txt follows.

2323:doe john california

827:doe jane texas

982982:neuman alfred nebraska

i don't output shown command below.

*ps c:\ get-content people2.txt | %{$data = [regex]::split($_, '\t|:'); write-output "$($data[2]) $($data[1]), $($data[3])"}

john doe, california

jane doe, texas

alfred neuman, nebraska*

i take out numbers , swapping first , second using

gc c:\appl\ppl.txt | %{$data = [regex]::split($_, ":") ;write-output $data[1] } | out-file c:\appl\ppll.txt

gc c:\appl\ppll.txt | %{$data = $_.split(" "); write-output "$($data[1]) $($data[0]), $($data[2])"}

please help

**need find more efficient ways this.

also want understand '\t|:' - 'split @ first tab stop , : ' ?**

just threw off top of head: ^(?<number>\d+):(?<first>\w+)\s+(?<last>\w+)\s(?<location>.*)$


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