java - unsubscribe previous requests before subscribing -

in application, have field "last accessed time" in header gets updated every 5 seconds. have included header.jsp in other jsps. [link1.jsp , link2.jsp.refer screen shot.] now, on load fire request server , request gets suspended. // refer attached .js file , .java file works fine. response server every 5 seconds. now, when navigate other jsps clicking link, page gets reloaded i.e., header.jsp gets reloaded. now, response server instead of every 5 seconds, response requests initiated during initial page load. so, appears although field gets updated every 2 seconds instead of actual interval of 5 seconds. when keep navigating , forth clicking links, clock ticks continuously coz, there requests got fired during various intervals.

is there way avoid this?

i intend cancel previous requests when load header.jsp again. tried unsubscribe() in conjunction long-polling. didn't work.

also, tried invoking "/stop" url per link , on it's callback thought firing request can start requests afresh every time. didn't work. calling "/stop" stopped requests getting fired. callback never invoked.

i not sure if missing here.

please me out.


js code

$("document").ready(function(){ firerequest(); }); function firerequest() { var socket = $.atmosphere; var subsocket; var websocketurl = "atmos/time"; var request = {          url: websocketurl,         contenttype : "application/json",         loglevel : 'debug',         datatype: 'json',         shared:true,         transport : 'websocket' ,         trackmessagelength : true,         enableprotocol : true,         reconnectinterval : 0,         maxreconnectonclose : 3,         dropatmosphereheaders : false,         timeout : 10 * 60 * 1000,         fallbacktransport: 'long-polling',         connecttimeout: -1     };     request.onmessage = function (response) {     try {         var data = response.responsebody;         $("#time").text(data);     }     catch(e)     {         console.log(e);     }  }; request.onopen = function(response) {     console.log('onopen '+ response);            }; request.onreconnect = function (request, response) {     console.log('onreconnect ' + request);     console.log('onreconnect ' +  response); }; request.onclose = function(response) {     if (response.state == "unsubscribe") {        alert('window switch');     }     console.log('onclose ' + response); },  request.onerror = function(response) {     console.log('onerror ' + response); }; subsocket = socket.subscribe(request); }

@path("/{tagid}") @produces("text/html;charset=iso-8859-1") @singleton public class atmosresource {  private static final logger logger = loggerfactory.getlogger(atmosresource.class); private final asynchttpclient asyncclient = new asynchttpclient(); private final concurrenthashmap<string, future<?>> futures = new concurrenthashmap<string, future<?>>(); private final countdownlatch suspendlatch = new countdownlatch(1); private int count = 1;  @get public suspendresponse<string> search(final @pathparam("tagid") broadcaster feed,                                       final @pathparam("tagid") string tagid, final @context atmosphereresource resource) {      if (feed.getatmosphereresources().size() == 0) {         final future<?> future = feed.schedulefixedbroadcast(new callable<string>() {             public string call() throws exception {                 suspendlatch.await();                 asyncclient.prepareget("http://localhost:7070/sample/rest/currenttime").execute(                         new asynccompletionhandler<object>() {                              @override                             public object oncompleted(response response) throws exception {                                 string s = response.getresponsebody();                                 if (response.getstatuscode() != 200) {                                     feed.resumeall();                                     feed.destroy();                                     return null;                                 }                                 feed.broadcast(s).get();                                 system.out.println("current count::: " + count);                                 count ++;                                 system.out.println("data:: " + new date().tostring());                                 return null;                             }                         });                 return null;             }         }, 5, timeunit.seconds);         futures.put(tagid, future);     }     return new suspendresponse.suspendresponsebuilder<string>().broadcaster(feed).outputcomments(true)             .addlistener(new eventslogger() {                 @override                 public void onsuspend(                         final atmosphereresourceevent event) {                     super.onsuspend(event);                     feed.addatmosphereresource(resource);                     suspendlatch.countdown();                 }                 // overriding method check when user                  //switches tabs/closes browser.                 //ref:                 @override                 public void ondisconnect(final atmosphereresourceevent event)                  {                     string transport = event.getresource().getrequest().getheader(headerconfig.x_atmosphere_transport);                     if (transport != null && transport.equalsignorecase(headerconfig.disconnect)) {                          system.out.println("disconnect");                     } else {                          system.out.println("long-polling connection resumed.");                      }                 }             }).build(); }  @get @path("stop") public string stopsearch(final @pathparam("tagid") broadcaster feed,                          final @pathparam("tagid") string tagid) {     feed.resumeall();     if (futures.get(tagid) != null) {         futures.get(tagid).cancel(true);     }"stopping real time update {}", tagid);     return "done"; } } 

screen shot

enter image description here

i got working overriding atmosphereresourceeventlistener's ondisconnect method , attaching suspended response.

@override                 public void ondisconnect(final atmosphereresourceevent event)                  {                     if (event.iscancelled() || event.isclosedbyclient()) {                         feed.resumeall();                         if (futures.get(tagid) != null) {                             futures.get(tagid).cancel(true);                         }                     }                  } 



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