ipad - Objective-C remove all oberservers for a certain notification -

i have ipad app uses proprietary library object registers "uiscreendidconnectnotification". object deallocated , reallocated behind scenes. in library, cannot ensure removing observer.

is there way me manually remove all/any observers specific notification (i.e. uiscreendidconnectnotification) without having access object has registered. keep application sending message deallocated object.

update: here easiest way fix problem. wish better job, life short. #import #import

@interface nsnotificationcenter (allobservers) @end  @implementation nsnotificationcenter (allobservers)  // function runs before main swap in our special version of addobserver + (void) load {     method original, swizzled;     original = class_getinstancemethod(self, @selector(addobserver:selector:name:object:));     swizzled = class_getinstancemethod(self, @selector(swizzled_addobserver:selector:name:object:));      method_exchangeimplementations(original, swizzled);   // function runs before main swap in our special version of addobserver + (void) load {     method original, swizzled;     original = class_getinstancemethod(self, @selector(addobserver:selector:name:object:));     swizzled = class_getinstancemethod(self, @selector(swizzled_addobserver:selector:name:object:));      method_exchangeimplementations(original, swizzled); }  /*     use function remove unwieldy behavior adding observers  */ - (void) swizzled_addobserver:(id)notificationobserver selector:(sel)notificationselector name:(nsstring *)notificationname object:(id)notificationsender {     nsstring *notification = [[nsstring alloc] initwithutf8string: "uiscreendidconnectnotification" ];      // it's hack, won't allow app add type of notificiation     if([notificationname isequaltostring: notification])     {         printf("### screen notifcation added observer: %s\n", [notificationsender utf8string] );     }     else     {         // calls original addobserver function         [self swizzled_addobserver:notificationobserver selector:notificationselector name:notificationname object:notificationsender];     }    } 

i agree both of caleb's points: not responsibility perform task , there nothing in api support it.

however... if feel hacking in perform task whatever reason, refer thread: how retrieve nsnotificationcenter observers?

the selected answer of thread has category nsnotificationcenter allows retrieve observers given notification name. again, not recommended though.


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