android - Image could not be loaded on twitter -

i'm trying share image through twitter worked fine facebook twitter image not loaded! dont know why here code:

enter code here   public void share(string nameapp)  {     try     {         list<intent> targetedshareintents = new arraylist<intent>();         intent share = new intent(android.content.intent.action_send);         share.settype("image/jpg");         list<resolveinfo> resinfo = getpackagemanager().queryintentactivities(share, 0);         if (!resinfo.isempty())         {             (resolveinfo info : resinfo)              {                 intent targetedshare = new intent(android.content.intent.action_send);                 targetedshare.settype("image/jpg"); // put here mime type                 if (info.activityinfo.packagename.tolowercase().contains(nameapp) || {                     targetedshare.putextra(intent.extra_subject, "sample photo");                  targetedshare.putextra(intent.extra_text,"this photo created me");                  classglobal.selectedpagerurls = new string[classglobal.selectedalbum.album_thumbnail_images.size()];                 //this path worked fine facebook sdk in twitter fine except image not loaded                         uri screenshoturi = uri.parse(classglobal.selectedpagerurls[currentitem]=classglobal.selectedalbum.album_thumbnail_images.get(currentitem).thumbnail_url);                      targetedshare.putextra(intent.extra_stream,screenshoturi);                     targetedshare.setpackage(info.activityinfo.packagename);                     targetedshareintents.add(targetedshare);                 }             }             intent chooserintent = intent.createchooser(targetedshareintents.remove(0), "select app share");             chooserintent.putextra(intent.extra_initial_intents, targetedshareintents.toarray(new parcelable[]{}));             startactivity(chooserintent);         }     }     catch(exception e)      {          log.v("vm","exception while sending image on" + nameapp + " "+  e.getmessage());      } } 

any appreciated thank you

it seems bug on twitter app. same error when trying share image gallery twitter on nexus 4 android 4.3. weirdly enough, worked on 4.2.2 before ota upgraded today.


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