json - Testing Spring asyncResult() and jsonPath() together -
i'm using restful url kick off long-running backend process (it on cron schedule, want ability kick off manually).
the code below works , see result in browser when test manually.
@responsebody @requestmapping(value = "/trigger/{jobname}", method = requestmethod.get) public callable<triggerresult> triggerjob(@pathvariable final string jobname) { return new callable<triggerresult>() { @override public triggerresult call() throws exception { // code goes here locate relevant job , kick off, waiting result string message = <result job>; return new triggerresult(success, message); } }; }
when test without callable
used code below , works (i changed expected error message simplify post).
mockmvc.perform(get("/trigger/job/xyz")) .andexpect(status().isok()) .anddo(print()) .andexpect(jsonpath("status").value("success")) .andexpect(jsonpath("message").value("a meaningful message appears"));
when added callable
not work. tried below did not work. else had success?
mockmvc.perform(get("/trigger/job/xyz")) .andexpect(status().isok()) .anddo(print()) .andexpect(request().asyncresult(jsonpath("status").value("success"))) .andexpect(request().asyncresult(jsonpath("message").value("a meaningful message appears")));
below relevant part print(). looks mockmvc can't untangle json correctly in case (even though works in browser)? when without callable
see full json.
mockhttpservletrequest: http method = request uri = /trigger/job/xyz parameters = {} headers = {} handler: type = foo.bar.web.controller.triggerjobcontroller method = public java.util.concurrent.callable<foo.bar.myproject.web.model.triggerresult> foo.bar.myproject.web.controller.triggerjobcontroller.triggerjob(java.lang.string) async: async started = true async result = foo.bar.myproject.web.model.triggerresult@67aa1e71 resolved exception: type = null modelandview: view name = null view = null model = null flashmap: mockhttpservletresponse: status = 200 error message = null headers = {} content type = null body = forwarded url = null redirected url = null cookies = []
bud's answer helped point me in right direction didn't quite work because did not wait async result. since posting question, spring-mvc-showcase samples (https://github.com/springsource/spring-mvc-showcase) have been updated.
it seems in first part of call when retrieve mvcresult, need assert on asyncresult() , in case of json pojo mapping need assert on actual type (not json). needed add third line below bud's answer, rest works.
mvcresult mvcresult = this.mockmvc.perform(get("/trigger/job/xyz")) .andexpect(request().asyncstarted()) .andexpect(request().asyncresult(instanceof(triggerresult.class))) .andreturn(); this.mockmvc.perform(asyncdispatch(mvcresult)) .andexpect(status().isok()) .andexpect(content().contenttype(mediatype.application_json)) .andexpect(jsonpath("status").value("success")) .andexpect(jsonpath("message").value("a meaningful message appears"));
note: instanceof()
. access hamcrest libraries include latest hamcrest-library
for maven ...
<dependency> <groupid>org.hamcrest</groupid> <artifactid>hamcrest-library</artifactid> <version>latest version here</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency>
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