c# - Using Autofac with Dynamic Proxy that output message automatic -
public interface ilog { void write(string msg); } public class mylog : ilog { public void write(string msg) { console.writeline(msg); } } public interface icanlog { ilog log { get; set; } } public interface imyclass { void test(); } public class myclass : imyclass, icanlog { public ilog log { get; set; } public void test() { log.write("test"); } }
i using autofac castle dynamicproxy, , try let myclass test method output "begin"/"end" automatic.
public class myloginterceptor : iinterceptor { public void intercept(iinvocation invocation) { console.writeline("begin"); invocation.proceed(); console.writeline("end"); } }
the following test code:
containerbuilder builder = new containerbuilder(); builder.registertype<mylog>().as<ilog>(); builder.register(c => { proxygenerator g = new proxygenerator(); object proxy = g.createclassproxy(typeof(myclass), new myloginterceptor()); icanlog proxyicanlog = (icanlog)proxy; proxyicanlog.log = c.resolve<ilog>(); return proxy; }).as<imyclass>(); using (var container = builder.build()) { objectcontext.container = container; imyclass myclass = container.resolve<imyclass>(); myclass.test(); }
but result no output "begin"/"end", why ?
and if create autologmodule try build log property instance automatic
public class autologmodule : autofac.module { protected override void attachtocomponentregistration(icomponentregistry componentregistry, icomponentregistration registration) { var type = registration.activator.limittype; if (haspropertydependencyonclass(type)) { registration.activated += injectclassviaproperty; } } private bool haspropertydependencyonclass(type type) { return type.getproperties().any(property => property.canwrite && property.propertytype==typeof(ilog)); } private void injectclassviaproperty(object sender, activatedeventargs<object> evt) { var type = evt.instance.gettype(); var propertyinfo = type.getproperties().first(x => x.canwrite && x.propertytype==typeof(ilog)); ilog log = new mylog(); propertyinfo.setvalue(evt.instance, log, null); } }
the following test code:
containerbuilder builder = new containerbuilder(); builder.registertype<mylog>().as<ilog>(); builder.registermodule(new autologmodule()); builder.register(c => { proxygenerator g = new proxygenerator(); object proxy = g.createclassproxy(typeof(myclass), new myloginterceptor()); //icanlog proxyicanlog = (icanlog)proxy; //proxyicanlog.log = c.resolve<ilog>(); return proxy; }).as<imyclass>(); using (var container = builder.build()) { objectcontext.container = container; imyclass myclass = container.resolve<imyclass>(); myclass.test(); }
the result test method throw "object reference not set instance of object." in log.write("test")
how write feature?
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