Induction Motor Modelica -

i have made induction motor model myself , first step replicate existing example i.e. electrical.machines.examples.asynchronousinductionmachines.aimc_dol. have replicated can't parameterize aim_squirrelcage because can't set default values in it. please see attachments. , thanks.

errors:  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  symbolic    04:26:49        0:0-0:0    few equations, underdetermined system. model has 485 equation(s) , 488 variable(s)  translation    04:26:49        0:0-0:0    parameter aimc.statorcore.coreparameters.wref has neither value nor start value, , fixed during initialization (fixed=true)  translation    04:26:49        0:0-0:0    parameter aimc.strayload.strayloadparameters.wref has neither value nor start value, , fixed during initialization (fixed=true)  translation    04:26:49        0:0-0:0    parameter aimc.friction.frictionparameters.wref has neither value nor start value, , fixed during initialization (fixed=true)  translation    04:26:49    d:/sf/openmodelica1.9.0/lib/omlibrary/modelica 3.2.1/electrical/    12984:7-12987:74    modification or redeclaration of protected elements not allowed.      element: aimc.internalthermalport, modification: redeclare final .modelica.electrical.machines.interfaces.inductionmachines.thermalportaimc internalthermalport.  translation    04:26:49        0:0-0:0    parameter aimc.friction.frictionparameters.wref has neither value nor start value, , fixed during initialization (fixed=true)  translation    04:26:49        0:0-0:0    parameter wref has neither value nor start value, , fixed during initialization (fixed=true)  translation    04:26:49        0:0-0:0    parameter aimc.statorcore.coreparameters.vref has neither value nor start value, , fixed during initialization (fixed=true) 


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