png - How to draw daytime vs nightime in a gnuplot generated graph? -

i'm looking way draw horizontal line (or "shadow") following graphic in gnuplot show day vs night:

the script generate image is:

set autoscale set title "campo magnetico terrestre - intensidad - ultimas 24hs" set title font "freesans, 11" set timefmt '%y-%m-%d %h:%m:%s' set xdata time set xtics font "freesans, 9" set ytics font "freesans, 9" set xlabel font "freesans, 9" set ylabel font "freesans, 9" set key font "freesans,9" set key left center set xlabel "fecha/hora" set ylabel "campo (mg)" set terminal png enhanced size 1200,600 set output "dia.png" set grid y set grid x set datafile separator '|' plot "< sqlite3 /data/magneto/magneto.db  'select * v_dia'" using 1:2 title 'x' lines, \ "< sqlite3 /data/magneto/magneto.db  'select * v_dia'" using 1:3 title 'y' lines, \ "< sqlite3 /data/magneto/magneto.db  'select * v_dia'" using 1:4 title 'z' lines, \ "< sqlite3 /data/magneto/magneto.db  'select * v_dia'" using 1:5 title 'total' lines 

could please give me help? in advance!


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