Color or Highlight a data point in graph in winforms in visual studio using c# or cli/c++ -

i drawing graph in winform picking data database. works fine. need if data value greater max value point in graph gets highlited or colored red. how can that? please help.

string^  constring = l"datasource=localhost;port=3306;username=root;password=root;";                  mysqlconnection^ condatabase = gcnew mysqlconnection(constring);                  mysqlcommand^ cmddatabase = gcnew mysqlcommand("select * `data`.`test`;",condatabase);                   mysqldatareader^ myreader;                   try{                      condatabase->open();                      myreader = cmddatabase->executereader();                     // messagebox::show("data inserted");                      while(myreader->read()){                           string^ v_datetime;                          string^ v_temp;                          v_datetime = myreader->getstring("datetime");                          v_pressure = myreader->getint32("temp").tostring();                           string^ status;                          if (myreader->getint32("temp") > 1000 && myreader->getint32("temp") < 50 )    {                                  status = " abnormal "; **// , point should highlited or different color in graph**                                                              }                          else{                             status = " normal";                          }                           this->label3->text = status;                           this->chart2->series["temperature"]->points->addxy(v_datetime,myreader->getint32("temp"));                         // combobox1->items->add(vname);                       }                  }catch(exception^ex){                      messagebox::show(ex->message);                  } 

can't add property class represent object drawn, , when draw graph test on property , change color, shape , size.


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