powershell - How to run a blinking text code in background -

i found code on internet ,working code of function blink text. using function in pwershell application . want blinking code run in background. function

$function = { function blink-message {  param([string]$message,[int]$delay,[int]$count,[consolecolor[]]$colors)      $startcolor = [console]::foregroundcolor     $startleft  = [console]::cursorleft     $starttop   = [console]::cursortop     $colorcount = $colors.length      $line = "$message"     for($i = 0; $i -lt $count; $i++) {         [console]::cursorleft = $startleft         [console]::cursortop  = $starttop         [console]::foregroundcolor = $colors[$($i % $colorcount)]         [console]::writeline($message)         start-sleep -milliseconds $delay       }     [console]::foregroundcolor = $startcolor } }  # set-alias blink blink-message  #write-host -nonewline "hello  "; blink-message "blink" 1000 15 "red,black" | receive-job  write-host -nonewline "hello1  "; start-job -initializationscript $function -scriptblock {blink-message} -inputobject "blink1",1000,15,"red,black" | receive-job write-host -nonewline "hello2  "; start-job -initializationscript $function -scriptblock {blink-message} -inputobject "blink2",1000,15,"red,black" | receive-job   write-host -nonewline "hello3  "; start-job -initializationscript $function -scriptblock {blink-message} -inputobject "blink3",1000,15,"red,black" | receive-job 

any advice appreciated.


this seems work ok. better thought (there 2 threads writing console @ same time , aren't synchronized recipe unpredictable behavior).

i added $x , $y parameters. $x column want blinking message in. $y number of rows above row prompt is. looks best if make $y 1 less $host.ui.rowui.windowsize.height flashing message @ top of screen if do. otherwise flashing message end on multiple lines whenever console scrolls. note script tested on powershell.exe. not work on powershell_ise.

while writing this, crashed/hung powershell number of times. each time run script creates job remain in "running" state (even after repetitions specified $count have completed). having multiple jobs running in background, potentially writing screen want avoid. jobless function remove jobs.

function blink-message {  param([string]$message,[int]$delay,[int]$count,[consolecolor[]]$colors,$x=0,$y=0)      $script:colorcount = $colors.length     $script:thecolors = $colors     $script:thecount = $count     $script:msg = $message     $script:col = $x     $script:deltarow = $y     $tmr = new-object timers.timer $delay     $tmr.autoreset = $true     $tmr.enabled = $true     $script:cnt = 0      $null = register-objectevent $tmr -eventname elapsed -action {         param( $sender)          $curcolor = [console]::foregroundcolor         $curleft  = [console]::cursorleft         $curtop   = [console]::cursortop         [console]::cursorleft  = $col         if ([console]::cursortop -lt -$deltarow) {           [console]::cursortop  = 0         } else {           [console]::cursortop  += $deltarow         }          [console]::foregroundcolor = $thecolors[$($cnt % $colorcount)]         [console]::writeline($msg)         [console]::cursorleft = $curleft         [console]::cursortop  = $curtop         [console]::foregroundcolor = $curcolor         if ($script:cnt++ -ge $thecount) {           try {$sender.enabled=$false} catch{wh send catch}         }     } }   set-alias blink blink-message  blink "$("="*30) gabby foo" 100 100 "green","black","yellow","darkblue" 0 -79  # # use jobless kill jobs function jobless { get-job;get-job|stop-job -pass | remove-job} 


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