c++ - Invoking OLE in C# through OleCreateFromFile does not work for pdf files -
i trying embed pdf files open xml document. requires creating *.bin files. dont want use automation.
approach ive taken this question works file types ive tested except *.pdf.
for reason pdf files result olecreatefromfile(..) 0x80004005 , pole null.
i new on field of invoking , ole. reason approach not working pdf? (i have newest adobe reader, win8, invoking ole32.dll, projects build target x86 , ive test call couninitialize() , coinitializeex((system.intptr)null, ole32.coinit.apartmentthreaded), able embed pdf files in msword application).
here function use it:
public static string exportolefile(string _inputfilename, string oleoutputfilename, string emfoutputfilename) { stringbuilder resultstring = new stringbuilder(); string newinput = multibytetounicodenetonly(_inputfilename, 1252); microsoft.visualstudio.ole.interop.istorage storage; var result = ole32.stgcreatestorageex(oleoutputfilename, convert.toint32(ole32.stgm.stgm_readwrite | ole32.stgm.stgm_share_exclusive | ole32.stgm.stgm_create | ole32.stgm.stgm_transacted), convert.toint32(ole32.stgfmt.stgfmt_docfile), 0, intptr.zero, intptr.zero, ref ole32.iid_istorage, out storage );//vytvoří bin resultstring.appendline("createstorageex result: " + result.tostring()); var clsid_null = guid.empty; microsoft.visualstudio.ole.interop.formatetc f = new formatetc(); microsoft.visualstudio.ole.interop.ioleobject pole; result = ole32.olecreatefromfile( ref clsid_null, newinput, ref ole32.iid_ioleobject, (uint)microsoft.visualstudio.ole.interop.olerender.olerender_none, ref f, null, storage, out pole ); resultstring.appendline("olecreatefromfile result: " + result.tostring()); try { result = ole32.olerun(pole); } catch (exception ex) { resultstring.appendline(ex.tostring()); return resultstring.tostring(); } resultstring.appendline("olerun result: " + result.tostring()); try { intptr unknownfromole = marshal.getiunknownforobject(pole); intptr unknownfordataobj; marshal.queryinterface(unknownfromole, ref ole32.iid_idataobject, out unknownfordataobj); var pdo = marshal.getobjectforiunknown(unknownfordataobj) system.runtime.interopservices.comtypes.idataobject; var fetc = new system.runtime.interopservices.comtypes.formatetc(); fetc.cfformat = (short)ole32.clipformat.cf_enhmetafile; fetc.dwaspect = system.runtime.interopservices.comtypes.dvaspect.dvaspect_content; fetc.lindex = -1; fetc.ptd = intptr.zero; fetc.tymed = system.runtime.interopservices.comtypes.tymed.tymed_enhmf; var stgm = new system.runtime.interopservices.comtypes.stgmedium(); stgm.unionmember = intptr.zero; stgm.tymed = system.runtime.interopservices.comtypes.tymed.tymed_enhmf; pdo.getdata(ref fetc, out stgm); var hemf = gdi32.copyenhmetafile(stgm.unionmember, emfoutputfilename); storage.commit((int)ole32.stgc.default); pole.close(0); gdi32.deleteenhmetafile(stgm.unionmember); gdi32.deleteenhmetafile(hemf); } catch (exception ex) { resultstring.appendline(ex.tostring()); return resultstring.tostring(); } return resultstring.tostring(); }
actually embedding files in openxml, necessary work old ole functions. there no other way around need 2 pieces:
- a file going embedded
- a picture shows content of file, screenshot of first page
i did write blog entry that: embedd pdf powerpoint usage of openxml. not requirement works identically.
there 2 issues pdfs when comes embedding:
- embedded pdf documents have different content original pdf file. other ole formats know (excel, word, powerpoint, ...) not case. can use file on hard disk, pdf cannot.
- you need take picture of first page. use pdfium or - there quite tools out there rendering pdf, adobe reader free, , job 100%.
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