iphone - deleted photo is still there in egophotoviewer -

when delete images tablecells in uitableview use delete tablecells server when click open other image in egophotoviewer deleted image still coming?..

here code.

- (void)showselectedphoto:(nsindexpath *)indexpath {     nsstring *passingimagename = [[self.tabledatasource objectatindex:indexpath.row]objectforkey:@"filename"];     nsmutablearray *photoarray = [self getfilteredarray];     nsmutablearray *urlsarray = [[nsmutablearray alloc] init];     (nsstring *string in photoarray) {         nslog(@"string values:%@", string);         nsurl *imageurl = [self getenlargedimageimageurl:[self._prefix stringbyappendingstring:string]];         nslog(@"passing url is:%@", imageurl);         photo = [[egoquickphoto alloc] initwithimageurl:imageurl name:string];         [urlsarray addobject:photo];     }     if (!source) {         self.source = [[egoquickphotosource alloc] initwithphotos:urlsarray];     }     photocontroller = [[egophotoviewcontroller alloc] initwithphotosource:source];     [self.navigationcontroller pushviewcontroller:photocontroller animated:yes];     nsuinteger index = [photoarray indexofobject:passingimagename];     [photocontroller movetophotoatindex:index animated:no]; } 

after deleting image need reload tableview.

 [tableview reloaddata]; 


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