xml - Where is the string-pad function for XRX modules? -

http://xrx.googlecode.com/svn-history/r111/trunk/14-xml-schema-to-xforms/schema-to-instance.xqm not compile:

cannot compile xquery: err:xpst0017 function string-pad() not defined in module namespace: http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions [at line 23, column 11] 

where declared or how can added module?

http://xrx.googlecode.com/svn-history/r111/trunk/14-xml-schema-to-xforms/schema-to-xforms.xqm uses schema-to-instance.xqm module , can't run without it.

i've tried exist-db 2.0 , exide version 2.0.

or, know working (and complete) xml schema instance/xforms transformators? (the ones above have lot of issues in todo list.) thanks.

sorry, "complete" schema xforms transform still doesn't exist.

xml schema has many features , possibilities represent content (elements, types, groups, etc) makes impossible create one.

you can take one, based on xslt, xforms designer: https://sourceforge.net/projects/schema2xforms/

see working at:



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