sql - Email address getting in encoded format DB -

i'm getting email address in encoded format "annie@h ꇟ|(ƓƓⲘ" , i'm catching in string not able store in server database. how decode normal email address. or not getting type of encoding it(base64/ascii/ect..).and column type long varchar, machine i'm using windows xp. i'm pulling hair out.

please help..

i caught answer i'm not sure right way do. read record adodb.recordset instead of dataset. right way read data.

i don't know why dataset give me wired email address,but using record set solve issue

here code sample use now

dim str_query = "select * table" dim objrs= new adodb.recordset objrs= cn.execute(str_query ) while not objrs.eof     k = 0 objrs.fields.count - 1         debug.print objrs(k).name & ": " & objrs(k).value       next     debug.print "_____"      objrs.movenext loop 

and used code this

        dim str_query = "select * table"         dim objrs= new adodb.recordset         objrs= cn.execute(str_query )         dim ds dataset = new dataset()         dim da oledbdataadapter = new oledbdataadapter          da.fill(ds, objrs, "my_table")          each dr datarow in ds.tables("my_table").rows           next 


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