set_relationship return array(3) { ["created"]=> int(0) ["failed"]=> int(1) ["deleted"]=> int(0) in sugarcrm wiith soap API -

what have done?

i have created custom module booking , make realtionship accounts (one many relationship).

data in accounts , booking comes of soap (set_entry) method.

what want?

i data of relationship field appear using set_realtionship method.

here code.

 $results = $soapclient->call('set_relationship', array (     'session' => $session_id,     'module_name' => 'accounts',     'module_id' => $account_id,     'link_field_name' => 'hotel_booking',     'related_ids' => array ($htel_booking_id),     ));    var_dump($results); 

it return

array(3) {   ["created"]=>   int(0)   ["failed"]=>   int(1)   ["deleted"]=>   int(0) 

account id ,session id , hotel booking id things correct.

*i have used different way set realtionship there no luc*k...

the code are

$rl = array(     'session' => $session_id,     'set_relationship_value' => array(     'module1' => 'accounts',     'module1_id' => $account_id,     'module2' => 'hotel_booking',     'module2_id' => $htel_booking_id,      ) );  $resultrel = $soapclient->call('set_relationship',$rl);  print_r($resultrel); 

this give me same out put.

i don`t know problem please me.

i got answer set_relationship between custom module not working module

follow tutorial.


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