php - Multipart response in Laravel 4 -
does laravel 4 support multipart response? need output , process, parse kind of data. json combined base64 image blobs.
just image there route handling request "" action in controller should respond multipart.
whats best practice in laravel framework?
content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=.............................103832778631715 --.............................103832778631715 content-disposition: form-data; name="__json_data__"; content-type: application/json; { "item": { "uuid": "12345-523462362-252636", "title": "title" } } .............................103832778631715 content-disposition: form-data; name="imagefile"; filename="someimage.jpg" content-type: application/octet-stream [[[base64 encoded contents of file]]] .............................103832778631715--
you want mulipart form, don't you?
echo form::open(array('url' => 'foo/bar', 'files' => true))
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