mvc - MVC page not refresh with jquery -

i using mvc doing post jquery using popup form. in view list contents data using wizard mvc list creator. when submit without popup, works fine , page refreshes, when popup, have manually f5 refresh see results. missing?

$('#my-modal form').live('submit', function () {     clearerrors();      $.post($(this).attr('action'), $(this).serialize(), function (data, status) {         $('#my-modal').modal('hide');                     }).error(function (error, status) {         writeerror('msgerror', 'error processing request. please check errors ,                                       try again!');         $('.modal-body p.body').html(error.responsetext);      });     return false; }); 

try below's working fine jquery model form. copy , paste view

<html> <head>     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />     <title>test</title>     <meta charset="utf-8" />   <title>jquery ui dialog - modal form</title>   <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />   <script src=""></script>   <script src=""></script>   <link rel="stylesheet" href="/resources/demos/style.css" />   <style>     body { font-size: 62.5%; }     label, input { display:block; }     input.text { margin-bottom:12px; width:95%; padding: .4em; }     fieldset { padding:0; border:0; margin-top:25px; }     h1 { font-size: 1.2em; margin: .6em 0; }     div#users-contain { width: 350px; margin: 20px 0; }     div#users-contain table { margin: 1em 0; border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; }     div#users-contain table td, div#users-contain table th { border: 1px solid #eee; padding: .6em 10px; text-align: left; }     .ui-dialog .ui-state-error { padding: .3em; }     .validatetips { border: 1px solid transparent; padding: 0.3em; }   </style>   <script>       $(function() {           var name = $( "#name" ),             email = $( "#email" ),             password = $( "#password" ),             allfields = $( [] ).add( name ).add( email ).add( password ),             tips = $( ".validatetips" );            function updatetips( t ) {               tips                 .text( t )                 .addclass( "ui-state-highlight" );               settimeout(function() {                   tips.removeclass( "ui-state-highlight", 1500 );               }, 500 );           }            function checklength( o, n, min, max ) {               if ( o.val().length > max || o.val().length < min ) {                   o.addclass( "ui-state-error" );                   updatetips( "length of " + n + " must between " +                     min + " , " + max + "." );                   return false;               } else {                   return true;               }           }            function checkregexp( o, regexp, n ) {               if ( !( regexp.test( o.val() ) ) ) {                   o.addclass( "ui-state-error" );                   updatetips( n );                   return false;               } else {                   return true;               }           }            $( "#dialog-form" ).dialog({               autoopen: false,               height: 300,               width: 350,               modal: true,               buttons: {                   "create account": function() {                       var bvalid = true;                       allfields.removeclass( "ui-state-error" );                        bvalid = bvalid && checklength( name, "username", 3, 16 );                       bvalid = bvalid && checklength( email, "email", 6, 80 );                       bvalid = bvalid && checklength( password, "password", 5, 16 );                        bvalid = bvalid && checkregexp( name, /^[a-z]([0-9a-z_])+$/i, "username may consist of a-z, 0-9, underscores, begin letter." );                       // jquery.validate.js (by joern), contributed scott gonzalez:            bvalid = bvalid && checkregexp( password, /^([0-9a-za-z])+$/, "password field allow : a-z 0-9" );            if ( bvalid ) {               $( "#users tbody" ).append( "<tr>" +                 "<td>" + name.val() + "</td>" +                 "<td>" + email.val() + "</td>" +                 "<td>" + password.val() + "</td>" +               "</tr>" );               $( ).dialog( "close" );           }         },           cancel: function() {               $( ).dialog( "close" );           }       },         close: function() {             allfields.val( "" ).removeclass( "ui-state-error" );         }     });        $( "#create-user" )         .button()         .click(function() {             $( "#dialog-form" ).dialog( "open" );         });   });   </script> </head> <body>    <div id="dialog-form" title="create new user">   <p class="validatetips">all form fields required.</p>    <form>   <fieldset>     <label for="name">name</label>     <input type="text" name="name" id="name" class="text ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" />     <label for="email">email</label>     <input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="" class="text ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" />     <label for="password">password</label>     <input type="password" name="password" id="password" value="" class="text ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" />   </fieldset>   </form> </div>   <div id="users-contain" class="ui-widget">   <h1>existing users:</h1>   <table id="users" class="ui-widget ui-widget-content">     <thead>       <tr class="ui-widget-header ">         <th>name</th>         <th>email</th>         <th>password</th>       </tr>     </thead>     <tbody>       <tr>         <td>john doe</td>         <td></td>         <td>johndoe1</td>       </tr>     </tbody>   </table> </div> <button id="create-user">create new user</button>   </body> </html> 


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