ios - Why is an init method of a child not called by a parent allocating that child in cocos2d v2.0? -

i have class:

//interface @interface savingdataplist : simpletimedgamerecipe {        nsmutablearray *moles;     int tagcount;     int molecount;     ccsprite *mallet;     cgpoint malletposition; }  -(cclayer*) runrecipe; -(void) step; -(void) initbackground; -(void) createmoleatposition:(cgpoint)point withz:(float)z; -(void) processmolehit;  -(void) addhiscorestomenu; -(void) loadhiscores; -(void) addhiscore; -(void) deletehiscores; -(void) startnewgame; -(void) gameover; -(void) step:(cctime)delta; -(void) cctouchesbegan:(nsset *)touches withevent:(uievent *)event;  @end 

which in reunrecipe method calls this:

[self createmoleatposition:ccp(50,205) withz:0]; 

and call corresponds method:

-(void) createmoleatposition:(cgpoint)point withz:(float)z {     ccspriteframecache *cache = [ccspriteframecache sharedspriteframecache];      ccsprite *back = [ccsprite spritewithspriteframe:[cache spriteframebyname:@"mole_back.png"]];     back.position = ccp(point.x, point.y);     [self addchild:back z:z tag:tagcount];     tagcount++;      mole *mole = [mole spritewithspriteframe:[cache spriteframebyname:@"mole_normal.png"]];     [mole setdownposition:ccp(point.x,point.y-30)];     [self addchild:mole z:z tag:tagcount];     [moles addobject:mole];     nslog(@"moles.count %d", moles.count);     tagcount++;      ccsprite *front = [ccsprite spritewithspriteframe:[cache spriteframebyname:@"mole_front.png"]];     front.position = ccp(point.x, point.y);     [self addchild:front z:z tag:tagcount];     tagcount++;  } 

the mole class init method looks this:

-(id)init {     nslog(@"moleinit");      self = [super init];     if (self != nil) {         state = mole_down;          ccspriteframecache *cache = [ccspriteframecache sharedspriteframecache];          //         //mevpchange         //create framenumber array populate ccanimation later         nsmutablearray *animationframesarray = [[nsmutablearray alloc] init];         nsmutablearray *animationframesarray2 = [[nsmutablearray alloc] init];          //mevpchange - add frames array         [animationframesarray addobject:[cache spriteframebyname:@"mole_normal.png"]];         [animationframesarray2 addobject:[cache spriteframebyname:@"mole_hit.png"]];          normalanim = [[ccanimation alloc] initwithspriteframes:animationframesarray delay:1.0f];         hitanim = [[ccanimation alloc] initwithspriteframes:animationframesarray2 delay:1.0f];          //mevpchange - create animation         [animationframesarray release];         [animationframesarray2 release];          //           [self runaction:[ccrepeatforever actionwithaction: [ccanimate actionwithanimation:normalanim]]];     }      return self; } 

now in cocos2d v1.0 code works fine. mole's created , pop , down when whacked. in v2.0, front facing moles nslog in mole init method doesnt called (as evidenced lack of nslog in console).


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