angularjs - Adding ng-change to child elements from linking function of directive -

i created directive should add ng-change directive dynamically child input tags:

myapp.directive('autosave', function ($compile) {     return {         compile: function compile(telement, tattrs) {              return function postlink(scope, ielement, iattrs) {                  var shouldrun = scope.$eval(iattrs.autosave);                  if (shouldrun) {                     ielement.find(':input[ng-model]').each(function () {                         $(this).attr("ng-change", iattrs.ngsubmit);                     });                     $compile(ielement.contents())(scope);                     console.log("done");                 }             }; //end linking fn         }     }; }); 

the problem have ng-change directive isn't running. can see added dom element not executing when value changes.

the strange thing if try ng-click, work.

dont know if bug on ng-change or if did somehting wrong.

fiddle ng-click (click on input)

fiddle ng-change (should fire on change)

btw, can make work if move compile function, need able evaluate attribute of directive , dont have access directive compile fn.


you make life harder is. do'nt need angular compile/eval/etc stuff - @ end angular javascript : see modified (and working) example here :

if (shouldrun) {   ielement.find(':input[ng-model]').on( 'change', function () {     this.form.submit();   });   console.log("done"); }

a few notes approach :

  • ng-change maps directly javascript change event. submit handler never called if uses cut/copy/paste on input elements. better solution use "input" event (which catches modification cases).

  • native events change/input etc bubbled parent dom elements in browser. have same attach change listener form instead of each input.

  • if want autosave every edit have unbelievable mass of calls submit handler. better approach slow-down/throttle submit event delegation (see ).

  • if want autosave every edit skip change handler stuff , suimply watch scope changes (which happen during angular model updates caused edits) , fine : function() { eelement[0].submit(); });


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