django - Sort models by number of occurences -

the question has been asked multiple times haven't been able make code works. anyway, let's have blog, blog posts:

class blogpost(models.model):  # class doesn't matter     author = models.foreignkey(myuser)     text = models.textfield() 

it happens log visits on each blog post using model:

class activity(models.model):     user_id = models.charfield()     # log different types of activities, hence choice     action_id = models.integerfield(choices=activity_actions)     object_id = models.charfield()     created_at = models.datetimefield() 

what want visitied blog posts since precise date, ordered number of views. i'm doing right (in activity manager):

def get_blogposts_most_viewed_since(self, date):     # related activities (blog posts views since date)     activities = activity.objects.since(date).filter(action_id=blogpost_view)      # blogposts' ids     blogpost_ids = events.values('object_id')      # blogposts ordered number of views:     blogposts = blogpost.objects.filter(id__in=blogpost_ids)\                  .annotate(nb_views=count('id')).order_by('-nb_views')     return blogposts 

this doesn't work. made tests: create 3 blog posts, blogpost_a viewed twice, blogpost_b viewed once , blogpost_c doesn't views. when call get_blogposts_most_viewed_since blogpost_a , blogpost_b in seems random_order.

i tried debugging with:

for blogpost in blogposts:     print blogpost.nb_views 

both blogposts (a , b) have nb_views == 1.

what doing wrong?


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