caching - Symfony2 ACL Cache -

is there example or better documentation how cache acl queries in symfony2.

i found following:

but not know how apply on checks.

i've managed cache objectidentities. bit of not much.

after lot of digging around in security*.xml files i've made following modifications of config.yml:

  • i've added cache id (service id) acl configuration
  • i've enabled doctrine result cache.


doctrine:     orm:         result_cache_driver:             type: apc  security:     acl:         cache:             id:     security.acl.cache.doctrine             prefix: my_acl_prefix_ 

this enable caching of objectidentities, lot of other queries happening when symfony\component\security\acl\dbal\aclprovider::getancestorids() being called. method directly executes sql query, , uses no cache. in 2.2 , 2.3 there comment in method saying:

            // fixme: skip ancestors cached 

same stands couple of other methods in class in terms of not using result cache.

i guess implementing own aclprovider , injecting entity manager's result cache can cache these queries too.


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