Video Delay/Buffer in Processing 2.0 -

i'm having ton of trouble making simple video delay in processing. looked around on internet , keep finding same bit of code , can't work @ all. when first tried it, did nothing (at all). here's modified version (which @ least seems load frames buffer), have no idea why doesn't work , i'm getting tired of pulling out hair. please... please, love of god, please point out stupid mistake i'm making here. , now, without further delay (hah, it?), code:

import*;  videobuffer vb; movie mymovie; capture cam;  float seconds = 1;  void setup() {   size(320,240, p3d);   framerate(30);    string[] cameras = capture.list();    if (cameras.length == 0) {     println("there no cameras available capture.");     exit();   } else {     println("available cameras:");     (int = 0; < cameras.length; i++) {       println(cameras[i]);     }   cam = new capture(this, cameras[3]);   cam.start();     }    vb = new videobuffer(90, width, height);  }  void draw() {    if (cam.available() == true) {;     vb.addframe(cam);   }    image(cam, 0, 0);   image( vb.getframe(), 150, 0 );  }      class videobuffer {   pimage[] buffer;    int inputframe = 0;   int outputframe = 0;   int framewidth = 0;   int frameheight = 0;    videobuffer( int frames, int vwidth, int vheight )   {     buffer = new pimage[frames];     for(int = 0; < frames; i++)     {   this.buffer[i] = new pimage(vwidth, vheight);     }     this.inputframe = 0;     this.outputframe = 1;     this.framewidth = vwidth;     this.frameheight = vheight;   }    // return current "playback" frame.     pimage getframe()   {     return this.buffer[this.outputframe];   }     // add new frame buffer.   void addframe( pimage frame )   {     // copy new frame buffer.     this.buffer[this.inputframe] = frame;      // advance input , output indexes     this.inputframe++;     this.outputframe++;     println(this.inputframe + " " + this.outputframe);      // wrap values..         if(this.inputframe >= this.buffer.length)     {  this.inputframe = 0;     }     if(this.outputframe >= this.buffer.length)     {   this.outputframe = 0;     }   }   }  

this works in processing 2.0.1.

import*;  capture cam; pimage[] buffer; int w = 640; int h = 360; int nframes = 60; int iwrite = 0, iread = 1;  void setup(){   size(w, h);   cam = new capture(this, w, h);   cam.start();   buffer = new pimage[nframes]; }  void draw() {   if(cam.available()) {;     buffer[iwrite] = cam.get();     if(buffer[iread] != null){       image(buffer[iread], 0, 0);     }     iwrite++;     iread++;     if(iread >= nframes-1){       iread = 0;     }     if(iwrite >= nframes-1){       iwrite = 0;     }   }        } 

there problem inside addframe-method. store reference pimage object, pixels overwritten time. have use buffer[inputframe] = frame.get() instead of buffer[inputframe] = frame. get() method returns copy of image.


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