python - finding the standard deviation of each list in a list of lists -

how modify code:

def sd(numlist):     cntn=len(numlist)     sumn=0     in numlist:         sumn+=i     avgval=float(sumn)/float(cntn)     sumvar=0.0     in range(cntn):         sumvar+=float((numlist[i]-avgval)**2)     return ((float(sumvar)/float((cntn-1)))**0.5) 

so work if numlist list of lists , want find standard deviation of each row? appreciated

def sd(numlists):     def singlesd(numlist):       cntn=len(numlist)       sumn=0       in numlist:           sumn+=i       avgval=float(sumn)/float(cntn)       sumvar=0.0       in range(cntn):           sumvar+=float((numlist[i]-avgval)**2)       return ((float(sumvar)/float((cntn-1)))**0.5)     return [singlesd(l) l in numlists] 


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