iphone - Remove feature in submitted App -
i have app on app store features a , b , c , d i looking make features c , d paid using in-app purchasing in future until programmed/implemented; restrict or remove (visible) access features. note had setup c or d maintain access them. is ok remove features in submitted application? i try use applicaion's version purpose. three steps follow: detect app's first launch link first time app launch and @ moment save version number link app's version number once intend display feature nsstring *currentversion = @"1.2.0"; nsstring *versionatappdownload = @"1.1.5"; if ([currentversion compare:versionatappdownload options:nsnumericsearch] == nsordereddescending) { //decide } this should added in next app version. once done, downloaded app should have saved current app version. now update next bigger version i.e. 1.2.0 , version 1 hides content users have not yet paid. users downloaded app @ previous version should able stil...