php - My uploader doesnt seem to work (CodeIgniter) -

i trying use uploader called max file upload. controller calls view called upload_view.php. here codes it: [both these codes placed in application/views folder]


<?php require_once("maxupload.class.php"); ?>  <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head>    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />    <title>max's file uploader</title>    <link href="style/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head>  <body> <?php     $myupload = new maxupload();      //$myupload->setuploadlocation(getcwd().directory_separator);     $myupload->uploadfile(); ?> </body>   

and here maxupload.class.php

<?php /*************************************************  * max's file uploader  *  * version: 1.0  * date: 2007-11-26  *  ****************************************************/ class maxupload{     var $uploadlocation;      /**      * constructor initialize class varaibles      * uploadlocation set actual       * working directory      *      * @return maxupload      */     function maxupload(){         $this->uploadlocation = getcwd().directory_separator;     }      /**      * function sets directory upload file      * in case of windows server use form: c:\\temp\\      * in case of unix server use form: /tmp/      *      * @param string directory store files      */     function setuploadlocation($dir){         $this->uploadlocation = $dir;     }      function showuploadform($msg='',$error=''){ ?>        <div id="container">             <div id="header"><div id="header_left"></div>             <div id="header_main">max's file uploader</div><div id="header_right"></div></div>             <div id="content"> <?php if ($msg != ''){     echo '<p class="msg">'.$msg.'</p>'; } else if ($error != ''){     echo '<p class="emsg">'.$error.'</p>';  } ?>                 <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" >                      <center>                          <label>file:                              <input name="myfile" type="file" size="30" />                          </label>                          <label>                              <input type="submit" name="submitbtn" class="sbtn" value="upload" />                          </label>                      </center>                  </form>              </div>              <div id="footer"><a href="" target="_blank">powered php f1</a></div>          </div> <?php     }      function uploadfile(){         if (!isset($_post['submitbtn'])){             $this->showuploadform();         } else {             $msg = '';             $error = '';              //check destination directory             if (!file_exists($this->uploadlocation)){                 $error = "the target directory doesn't exists!";             } else if (!is_writeable($this->uploadlocation)) {                 $error = "the target directory not writeable!";             } else {                 $target_path = $this->uploadlocation . basename( $_files['myfile']['name']);                  if(@move_uploaded_file($_files['myfile']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) {                     $msg = basename( $_files['myfile']['name']).                     " uploaded successfully!";                 } else{                     $error = "the upload process failed!";                 }             }              $this->showuploadform($msg,$error);         }      }  } ?> 

whenever add

$query = $this->db->get('filename');                 $folder_name = underscore($query->row()->file_name); 

inside function maxuplod() in maxupload.class.php file, upload page doesnt show up. use $folder_name later add download dir, custom folders can created.

when code placed within maxupload.class.php, doesnt load anything. error log shows error @ same line db accessed. without files can uploaded static upload folder.

any ideas on why happening?

thanks lot help.


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