math - repeating variable issue in windows batch file -

i have following code in batch file:

    set /p user="enter username: " %=%     cd w:\files     @echo off      setlocal enabledelayedexpansion      set /a value=0      set /a sum=0      set /a vala=0     /r %1 %%i in (*) (      set /a value=%%~zi/1024      set /a sum=!sum!+!value!      set /a sum=!sum!/1024     )      @echo size of "files" is: !sum! mb     @echo off     /r %1 %%i in (*) (      set /a sum=!sum!/1024     set /a vala=!sum!     )     @echo size of "files" is: !sum! gb       cd w:\documents , settings\%user%\desktop     @echo off      setlocal enabledelayedexpansion      set /a value=0      set /a sum=0      set /a valb=0     /r %1 %%i in (*) (      set /a value=%%~zi/1024      set /a sum=!sum!+!value!      set /a sum=!sum!/1024     )      @echo size of desktop is: !sum! mb     @echo off     /r %1 %%i in (*) (      set /a sum=!sum!/1024     set /a valb=!sum!     )     @echo size of desktop is: !sum! gb 

there few other folders checks, should idea.

i output:

c:\users\pprescott\desktop>cd w:\files size of "files" is: 215 mb size of "files" is: 0 gb size of desktop is: 215 mb size of desktop is: 0 gb size of favorites is: 215 mb size of favorites is: 0 gb size of documents is: 215 mb size of documents is: 0 gb total size is: 0 mb total size is: 0 gb press key continue . . . 

this designed count folder size on old xp machine prepare data transfer. xp machine mapped drive w.

try remove for /r parameter %1:

for /r %%i in (*) ( 

try code:

@echo off &setlocal /r "w:\files" %%i in (*) set /a asum+=%%~zi set /a sum=asum/1048576 echo size of "files" is: %sum% mb set /a sum=asum/1073741824 echo size of "files" is: %sum% gb /r "w:\documents , settings\%user%\desktop" %%i in (*) set /a asum+=%%~zi set /a sum=asum/1048576 echo size of "desktop" is: %sum% mb set /a sum=asum/1073741824 echo size of "desktop" is: %sum% gb 


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