vb.net - Xml parsing in a specific format and then searching and listing all the occurrence of any values -
my requirement follows: 1= read xml url , search specific value using text box , list occurrence of text in parsed order
for eg: api follows:
<record1> <id>4</id> <name>abcd</name> <numberofposition>1</numberofposition> <rate>0</rate> <signalid>102288301</signalid> <signaltime>2013-07-16t23:59:59.043</signaltime> <signaltype>closemarketorder</signaltype> <loss>0</loss> <subname>78730843</subname> <systemid>720</systemid> <systemname>passion 1</systemname> <profitrate>0</profitrate> </record1> <pre lang="html"><blockquote class="fq"><div class="fqa">quote:</div><record2> <id>4</id> <name>abcd</name> <numberofposition>1</numberofposition> <rate>0</rate> <signalid>102288301</signalid> <signaltime>2013-07-16t23:59:59.043</signaltime> <signaltype>closemarketorder</signaltype> <loss>0</loss> <subname>78730843</subname> <systemid>720</systemid> <systemname>passion 1</systemname> <profitrate>0</profitrate> </record2>
and on
i want parse like:
id = 4 name = abcd
and search using text box eg: name = abcd
search should check occurrence of abcd in xml
, list complete data related abcd value in text box
the code goes me. see if can you. :-)
dim strid string = '1' ''your id dim xmldoc new xmldocument xmldoc.load(path) 'load xml here each node xmlnode in xmldoc.childnodes each subnode xmlnode in node if sunnode.innertext = strid 'get sub node details 'exit both loops end if next next
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