ios - Programming tableviews segue drill down -

i trying convert apps storyboards. data stored in plist file , drill down through tableviews using following code in current didselectrowatindexpath: method:

-(void)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview didselectrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath  { nsdictionary *dictionary = [self.tabledatasource objectatindex:indexpath.row]; nsarray *children = [dictionary objectforkey:@"children"];  [tableview deselectrowatindexpath:indexpath animated:yes];  if ([children count] == 0)  {     nsstring *tempstring1 = [dictionary valueforkeypath:@"movie"];     nsstring *tempstring2 = [dictionary valueforkeypath:@"text"];     nsstring *tempstring3 = [dictionary valueforkeypath:@"diagram"];      detailsvc *dvc = [[detailsvc alloc] initwithnibname:@"detailsvc" bundle:nil]; = tempstring1;     dvc.pdfdesc = tempstring2;     dvc.pdfdiagram = tempstring3;     dvc.navigationitem.title = [dictionary valueforkeypath:@"title"];   [self.navigationcontroller pushviewcontroller:dvc animated:yes];  } else  {      levelsvc *lvc = [[levelsvc alloc] initwithnibname:@"levelsvc" bundle:[nsbundle mainbundle]];      lvc.currentlevel += 1;     lvc.navigationitem.title = [dictionary valueforkeypath:@"title"];     [self.navigationcontroller pushviewcontroller:lvc animated:yes];      lvc.tabledatasource = children;      } 

my question is: how on earth convert method use segues , storyboards? can create segue detailviews, , there million tutorials on net, cannot figure out how drill down through data in tableview.

any or sample code appreciated!

you can use -performseguewithidentifier:sender: transition 1 view controller programmatically. move code configures dvc -prepareforsegue:sender: implementation.

another option connect segue in storyboard cell in table next view controller. cause segue triggered row selected, prevents having start segue programmatically @ all. in case, implement -prepareforsegue:sender: set necessary data in segue's destination view controller. sender parameter table cell tapped, , can use find selected row.


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