java - Dividing speech signal into 10ms non overlapping windows -
in application, need divide whole speech signal coming mic (after sampling) 10 ms non-overlapping windows.
i using hanning window in code in order that:
public short[] hanningwindow(short[] signal_in, int pos, int size) { (int = pos; < pos + size; i++) { int j = - pos; // j = index hann window function signal_in[i] = (short) (signal_in[i] * 0.5 * (1.0 - math.cos(2.0 * math.pi * j / size))); } return signal_in; }
now question is,,, specify need 10ms non-overlapping windows?
you break signal chunks of fs * 0.01 samples, e.g. if sample rate fs = 44.1 khz process successive blocks of 4410 samples. can apply window function, fft, etc each block of 441 samples.
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