Inheritance for durandal (HotTowel) viewmodels? -
simple question, pretty sure it's complicated answer :)
is possible implement form of inheritance viewmodels in durandal?
so if have viewmodel this:
define(['durandal/app', 'services/datacontext', 'durandal/plugins/router', 'services/logger'], function (app, datacontext, router, logger) { var somevariable = ko.observable(); var issaving = ko.observable(false); var vm = { activate: activate, somevariable : somevariable, refresh: refresh, cancel: function () { router.navigateback(); }, haschanges: ko.computed(function () { return datacontext.haschanges(); }), cansave: ko.computed(function () { return datacontext.haschanges() && !issaving(); }), goback: function () { router.navigateback(); }, save: function() { issaving(true); return datacontext.savechanges().fin(function () { issaving(false); }) }, candeactivate: function() { if (datacontext.haschanges()) { var msg = 'do want leave , cancel?'; return app.showmessage(msg, 'navigate away', ['yes', 'no']) .then(function(selectedoption) { if (selectedoption === 'yes') { datacontext.cancelchanges(); } return selectedoption; }); } return true; } }; return vm; //#region internal methods function activate(routedata) { logger.log('view activated id {' + + '}, null, 'view', true); }); } //#endregion function refresh(id) { return datacontext.getbyid(client, id); } });
is possible make kind of base type , inherit further viewmodels it, being able extend requires list , on?
there question on this, viewmodels don't appear quite same one's build durandal/hottowel.
i'm pretty sure can accomplished jquery's extend method. occurred me, there may i'm missing, basic example along lines of:
... mentioned viewmodel
define(['basevm'], function (basevm) { var somenewobservable = ko.observable(); var vm = $.extend({ somenewobservable : somenewobservable }, basevm); return vm; });
please let me know if works. coded top of head , hasn't been tested.
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